[Barrelfish-users] Debugging symbols

Kornilios Kourtis kornilios.kourtis at inf.ethz.ch
Mon Jun 4 14:06:14 CEST 2012

Hi Patrik,

On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 11:45:28AM +0000, Patrik Eklöf wrote:
> Well, I haven't been able to fully get symbolic debugging to work, so I
> can't say specifics I am missing which I need, but I have noticed some
> symbols missing, so I am going to use them as an example.
> At address 0x00000000004028d1, /source/usr/netd/idc_barrelfish.c seems
> to be loaded (so /sbin/netd then).  The very first assembly instruction
> I see is call 0x46d270, which jumps into some unknown location.
> [cpu0] cs:0x000000000046d270 p:0x0005be6270  push rbp
> interdisp_ump_send_handler () in interdisp_flounder_bindings.c
> simics> whereis -d 0x000000000046d270
> Address 0x46d270 is not in any known location.
> At this point, it seems to mess up. It LOOKS like some information is
> missing, but I can't be sure, so I figured I'd ask.  I can't see any
> source for this location and I seem to be unable to get any information
> about what source file and line it's associated with.  At this point,
> symbolic debugging just breaks down. It stops working correctly.

I haven't used symbolic debugging, so I'm not really sure what's
happening.  Could you try to see what is the function in the above
address by using objdump? (e.g., objdump -d to the relevant binary)

> I haven't yet tried gdb, however (have not been able to get it to read
> symbols from the binaries; it complains it can't read them).  This is
> sort of a little game where I have to find out if the culprit is the
> simulator or the OS.  So this may be a little premature, and if so, I
> apologize.


Kornilios Kourtis

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