[Barrelfish-users] Barrelfιsh build errors after update

Kornilios Kourtis kornilios.kourtis at inf.ethz.ch
Tue Mar 6 20:09:32 CET 2012

Hi Georgios,

On Tue, Mar 06, 2012 at 05:16:03PM +0000, Georgios Varisteas wrote:
> I thought of posixcompat myself, this existed with oldc also and if you
> check the actuall gcc command (included in my initial email) you can
> see that it is included. Is it possible that it is a library linking
> order problem? If I'm
> not mistaken libs are linked in reverse order, right?
> Anyway, posixcompat is included automatically and it is not the source
> of the error.

Can you try the attached patch? I can't reproduce the problem, so I'm not
sure if it'll work. If it doesn't, can you try creating a test case that
reproduces the problem?


Kornilios Kourtis
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