[Barrelfish-users] about port barrelfish on tilera platform

Wangjintang wangjintang at huawei.com
Tue Nov 20 02:57:17 CET 2012

Hi Robert,
	As you know, tilera provide the MDE env, and the hypervisor in it. 
What are you dealing with the hypervisor in the MDE? Using it or put it away?
Do you port os on the top of hypervisor? There support some hv_xxx APIs can 
be used to realize what you want to do . 

	BTW: Do you finish port newlib to support tilera platform? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Radkiewicz [mailto:rrad at kth.se] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:58 AM
To: Wangjintang
Cc: barrelfish-users at lists.inf.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [Barrelfish-users] about port barrelfish on tilera platform

Hello Jintang,

The whole process feels like making baby steps. Every small step we are 
stepping over new peculiarities.

At the moment we are able to jump into user-code and call the 
dispatcher, which will call init later (actually crt0.S calls the 
dispatcher). We are trying to find out what is happening, and what we 
need to provide. Trying to understand the structure of all the init.c's, 
dispatcher_shared_generic, dispatcher_generic, dispatcher_<arch> and 
which special registers have which values, where to set them, why to set 
them and what to set to them.

Additionally we need to find out the requirements to have a printf() in 
user-code. Is the implementation in the newlib (provided by barrelfish) 
enough? Do we need a syscall or provide one of the 
[vs]f?i?printf-functions? Is it normal that we run into a endless-loop 
when we just put a printf()-statement in some of the dispatcher-code and 
everything will be fine after we got to the real process or do we need 
to do something special?

That's the point were we are at the moment, so maybe it can be solved 
very fast and we are into the next step.

Is that the kind of information you wanted or what is the purpose of 
your question?


On 16.11.2012 02:00, Wangjintang wrote:
> Hi Mats,
> 	--It's going quite slow and we are not really near completion yet. They would need help from someone who has done porting for other architectures.
> 	What's problem you're resolving? Port newlib ? port init? Or something else.
> 	Please show your problem in detail.
> regards
> jintang

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