[Equal] Framework 6 Training for Women in Science

Dr. Sybille Krummacher s.krummacher at fz-juelich.de
Mon Sep 9 16:03:41 CEST 2002

Please circulate:

Framework 6 Training for Women in Science 
The Centre of  Excellence Women and  Science (CEWS) has organised two
courses on Framework 6 for Women in Science:
Thursday 17th October 2002:  How to Write a Competitive Proposal for
Framework 6 
Friday 18th October 2002:       How to Negotiate, Manage and Administer
Framework 5 Contracts
Details of the course can be found on
http://www.cews.uni-bonn.de/hype060302.html or

Location of Course: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn http://www.gsi-bonn.de 

To book a place on the courses simply email mary.mccarthy at hyperion.ie

Read participant's report at Science's Next Wave:

                    Dr. Sybille Krummacher
           _/    	Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
          _/     	D-52425 Juelich
         _/      	Germany
 _/   _/        	Phone 49-2461-61.2206
  _/_/          	Fax 49-2461-61.8171
                  	mobil 49-171-549 19 88
                   <mailto:s.krummacher at fz-juelich.de>


Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung
Center of Excellence Women and Science
Poppelsdorfer Allee 15
D-53111 Bonn

Phone 49-228-73.4831
Fax 49-228-73.4840
mobil 49-171-549 19 88
<mailto:krummacher at cews.uni-bonn.de>

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