[Equal] Fwd: Women and Science Headlines 14 - Please find here below the lates t developments and perspectives

Christa Sonderegger christa.sonderegger at unibas.ch
Fri Jun 11 15:49:31 CEST 2004

Soeben ist der jüngste Newsletter der Women and Science Unit der EU 
Kommission in Brüssel eingegangen, welcher üer die neueste Entwicklung und 
Perspektiven informiert.

Mit besten Grüssen Christa Sonderegger

>Women and Science Headlines – 14 :
>Contact persons: <mailto:vera.fehnle at cec.eu.int>vera.fehnle at cec.eu.int – 
><mailto:lydie.ricaud at cec.eu.int>lydie.ricaud at cec.eu.int
>Women and Science Call for Proposals 2004
>In line with the Science and Society work programme for this year, a call 
>for proposals in the field of Women and Science was published on 30 April 
>2004, with a closure date of 30 September 2004. Proposals are invited in 
>four areas: supporting the empowerment of women scientists and engineers 
>and promoting public debate; ambassadors for women and science; developing 
>a better understanding of the gender issue in scientific research; and 
>practical tools for mainstreaming and monitoring gender equality. For full 
>details of the topics and instruments covered by this call, please consult 
>the Science and Society work programme and the call documents at: 
>Women & Science - Future events/conferences
>Women in Science on ARTE: On Tuesday 29 June 2004, a documentary entitled 
>"Femmes de tête" will be broadcast on ARTE television during a thematic 
>evening dedicated to the working and living conditions of European scientists.
>Gender session in ESOF 2004 : The Women and Science Unit organises a 
>gender session during the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF2004), that will be 
>held at Stockholm City Conference Center in Stockholm, Sweden, 25-28 
>August 2004. The gender session will take place on 28 August 2004, from 
>14.45 to 17.45, and will be divided in two thematic sub-sessions: "Is 
>there a gender bias in scientific excellence?" and “Are scientists 
>allowed to have children?”. For further information, please consult the 
>ESOF2004 programme at the following address: 
>“Enlarging Europe with/for women scientists” Conference, Tallinn, 
>September 9-10, 2004 – To widely debate the fact and findings of the 
>Enwise final report and to validate the recommendations put forward by the 
>Enwise Expert Group, a one and half day conference, gathering around 250 
>stakeholders from the 32 countries represented in the Helsinki Group on 
>Women and Science, will be organised in Estonia. Proceedings of the 
>conference will be published and posted on the Enwise webpages at the end 
>of the year.
>Women & Science - Publications
>Gender bias in the definition and the measurement of scientific 
>excellence: The proceedings of a one-and-half day workshop co-organised by 
>the Women and Science Unit, the Joint Research Centre of the European 
>Commission and the European University Institute and held in Florence in 
>October 2003 will be published in June 2004. Entitled "Gender and 
>excellence in the making", this report comprises a synthesis of the most 
>important factual elements and discussions from the workshop and the 
>expert's papers. To get a copy of the report, please write to 
><mailto:valerie.gobbe at cec.eu.int>valerie.gobbe at cec.eu.int
>Waste of talents: turning private struggles into a public issue: A glossy 
>PDF version of the final report delivered by the Enwise Expert Group to 
>Commissioner Busquin will soon be posted at: 
>Printed copies of the report should be available during July. To order 
>copies, please e-mail: <mailto:lydie.ricaud at cec.eu.int>lydie.ricaud at cec.eu.int
>Statistics & indicators: A "Statistics in Focus" entitled "Women, science 
>and technology: Measuring recent progress towards gender equality" was 
>published by Eurostat on 26 May. It is downloadable in PDF in EN, FR and 
>DE from
>This publication was produced collaboratively by Eurostat (Unit B5), the 
>Women and Science Unit and former Unit K3, DG Research.
>Experts’ database: Women scientists are invited to register in DG 
>Research experts’ database :
>Mailmas: a new information mailing toom: To be more informed on EU 
>Research activities and particularly on Women and Science, please use the 
>Mailmas application which allows us to send the latest news in a regular 
>way on any sectors in terms of Policies or Actions you are requesting. All 
>you have to do is register with your personal details and fields of 
>preference and we will contact you when there is something relevant to 
>report. Here is the Mailmas address: 
>Personal information will not be shared without your agreement. You can 
>modify your selection at anytime it is necessary by yourself. If you are 
>already in the Women and Science Database, you still need to register 
>separately in Mailmas in order to receive information updates from DG 
>Research in this way. For further information on the use of Mailmas, 
>please contact: <mailto:lydie.ricaud at cec.eu.int>lydie.ricaud at cec.eu.int

lic. iur. Christa Sonderegger, Universität Basel

Rechtsdienst des Rektorats
Leiterin Ressort Chancengleichheit

Petersgraben 35, Postfach, CH - 4003 Basel

Fon +4161 / 267 12 46
Fax +4161 / 267 30 03
E-mail christa.sonderegger at unibas.ch

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