[Equal] WG: European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS- Networking Outreach

Sonderegger Christa Christa.Sonderegger at unibas.ch
Wed Apr 26 08:34:00 CEST 2006


Gerne leite ich diese Anfrage der European Platform of Women Scientist an alle interessierten Netzwerke für Frauen in der Wissenschaft und interessierte Frauen weiter. Die erwähnten Attachments sind gekürzt am Ende des Mails als Text eingefügt (ich hoffe damit die erlaubte Grösse einer Mail einhalten zu können). 


Mit besten Grüssen Christa Sonderegger



Von: Dr. Marianne Schwarz da Silva [mailto:marianne.dasilva at epws.org] 
Betreff: European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS- Networking Outreach 


Dear Members of the Helsinki Group,



The European Platform of Women Scientists AISBL has been legally established in November 2005 and took up its work in its permanent premises in Brussels in February 2006. 


Designed as a democratic, inclusive, permanent, sustainable and politically active non-profit making association with its administrative seat in Brussels, the Platform will support the work of existing national, regional and international networks of women scientists in the natural and social sciences, in engineering and technology, the humanities, the arts and medical science and promote networking among women scientists in particular in Central Eastern Europe and the private sector.


The Platform will "network the networks" of women scientists and act as a structural link between women scientists and policymakers thus coordinating EU value-added support activities for women scientists. More specifically, the Platform will assist the preparations of FP7 to integrate research by, for and about women and promote the understanding and the inclusion of the gender issue in science.


In March 2006, the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS was launched in Brussels in the presence of approximately 100 people from the European Institutions, permanent national representations to the EU, research councils, a variety of Brussels-based research oriented associations and representatives of the private sector.


After the success of this event, the Platform is now working in preparation of the Network Event of the 20th of October 2006. In light of this event, we are trying to obtain preliminary information on the existing networks of women in science, based on the 2003 DG Research Network Guide on Women Scientists, but also to extend our scope to any new networks which address the issues we are concerned with, and to enquire so as to their eventual participation to our Network Event. 


We would gladly appreciate if you could take some time to forward the attached preliminary questionnaire to any eventually interested Networks OR individuals and ask them to send it back addressed to Marianne Schwarz da Silva either via FAX (+32 (02) 234 37 59) or by e-mail (marianne.dasilva at epws.org <mailto:marianne.dasilva at epws.org> ) before the 2nd of May.


If you show an interest in joining the platform, a more detailed and in depth questionnaire will be sent at later stage. For the time being, we invite you to visit our website (http://www.epws.org <http://www.epws.org/> ) for our latest news.


We really appreciate your collaboration for all the information you can provide us will allow for a stimulating and interesting Network Event on the 20th of October. 


Best regards,



Dr. Marianne Schwarz da Silva


Project Manager Networking

EPWS-European Platform of Women Scientists

Rue d'Arlon, 38

B-1000 Brussels


Tel: +32 2 234 37 50

Fax:+32 2 234 37 59

http://www.epws.org <http://www.epws.org> 



Survey in Preparation of the EPWS Network event of the 20th of October 2006


(send back addressed to Marianne Schwarz da Silva either via FAX (+32 (02) 234 37 59) or by e-mail (marianne.dasilva at epws.org <mailto:marianne.dasilva at epws.org> ) before 2nd of May 2006)


1.	Is your network listed in the DG Research 2003 Network Guide of Women Scientists? (http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/science-society/pdf/women-sc-net-guide_en.pdf <http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/science-society/pdf/women-sc-net-guide_en.pdf> )



* Yes- Contact Details up-to-date

* Yes- Contact Details have changed

* No


If your contact details have either changed, were not available for the 2003 Network Guide of Women Scientists Networks, we would appreciate if you could take the time to fill in the information below so as to update our lists.



Name of Network




Contact Details


Principal Disciplines/Fields






2.	Are you aware of any networks of Women scientists in Europe or individuals which were not listed in the guide, and which you feel we should be addressing?


* Yes

* No

If yes, please give the details underneath (use an extra sheet if you require additional space)


Name of Network




Contact Details


Principal Disciplines/Fields






3.	Membership to EPWS and interest in the Network Event


We would appreciate if you could indicate your interests regarding both membership to EPWS and attendance to the Network event of the 20th of October 2006.


* Yes-interested in both Membership and attending Network event 

* Yes-interested in Membership, but NOT attending Network event

* Yes-interested in Network Event, but NOT Membership

* Not interested in any of the above


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