[Equal] training for women scientists/Wettbewerb im Bundeshaus

Katharina von Salis vonsalis at dplanet.ch
Tue Jan 9 15:37:18 MET 2007

liebe equals,
da noch gleich - neben dem Weiterleiten eines Mails aus dem hohen 
Norden - eine Idee:
wenn jetzt zwischen den Departementen im Bundeshaus so richtig der 
Wettbewerb spielen würde, könnte Herr BR Couchepin nachziehen und 80% 
der Kinderbetreuungskosten übernehmen (BR Leuthard's Departement 
übernimmt 50%) . Dann folgt BR Calmy-Rey und verspricht doppelte 
Löhne bei mehr als 2 Kindern, BR Schmid stellt Eltern einen Rekruten 
zur Verfügung bei Mehrlingsgeburten oder beim Umziehen in eine 
grössere (Dienst?)-Wohnung, BR Leuenberger verspricht gratis 
Kinderbetreuung und BR Merz stellt prinzipiell niemanden mehr als zu 
60% an, der/die Kinder unter 15 Jahren hat. BR Blocher dagegen 
verzichtet auf Massnahmen und ist froh, dass sich so keine Frauen 
mehr um Stellen in seinem Departement bewerben. Oder so ähnlich ;-)
>Happy New Year to all eq-uni members! It is my pleasure to inform that
>eq-uni currently has 403 subscribers.
>Below information on a European Summer School for women scientists (in
>natural sciences, engineering and technology), please forward to relevant
>networks in your university.
>all the best from Helsinki,
>Liisa Husu * liisa.husu at helsinki.fi * eq-uni list moderator
>ADVANCE - Advanced Training for Women in Scientific Research
>Application open for SUMMER SCHOOL 2007
>The ADVANCE project intends to promote the participation of women in
>science/research decision making and policy definition by supporting
>female scientists in acquiring research and career management skills and
>tools that help them build up their careers.
>The project is carried out under the 6th Framework and is coordinated by
>the Danube University Krems, Austria, in cooperation with five European
>universities from Poland, Finland, Austria, the Netherlands and Bulgaria.
>The core of this project is a Summer School for training female
>Participants welcome!
>Your application is welcome if you
>*    have studied engineering, science, or technology and your
>      career stage is pre- or post-doc
>*    are interested in or pursuing a scientific career in
>      academia or industry
>*    are aware resp. you have experiences concerning
>      impediments (age, nationality, disability, etc.)
>*    are willing to plan and reflect your personal career
>*    are ready to work in heterogeneous groups (women from
>      different countries with diverse backgrounds and expectations)
>The Summer School 2007 will take place at the Danube University Krems,
>Austria, in English language.
>The program consists of two modules, which cover topics concerning
>research setting in academia and industry, personal career development and
>visibility, and training of career relevant management skills.
>The program is divided into two modules based on each other:
>Module 1: 23.07.2007 - 03.08.2007
>Module 2: 07.09.2007 - 09.09.2007
>The participation is funded by the European Commission; there will be no
>attendance fee for the participation, but travel and subsistence costs have
>to be compensated individually. Participants are requested to make their
>own travel arrangements to the venue. There is a possibility to apply for
>scholarship for travel and subsistence costs (see application form); the
>awarding will be done by the ADVANCE consortium along national and social
>Application open!
>We are glad to receive your application from now on until 30th January
>The application records will be evaluated then by the consortium of
>ADVANCE in February 2007.
>DI Dr. Karin Siebenhandl
>Course director, Researcher
>University of Continuing Education Krems
>Center for Knowledge and  Information Management
>Dr.- Karl- Dorrek- Straße 30
>A-3500 Krems, Austria
>Tel:  +43(2732)893-2313
>Fax: +43(2732)893-4335
>mail: karin.siebenhandl at donau-uni.ac.at

Katharina v. Salis
Pf 130
CH-7513 Silvaplana
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