[Equal] CFP *Suppliers of commercialised care* - IGU Gender Pre-Conference in Hamburg, Aug 23-25

Karin Schwiter karin.schwiter at geo.uzh.ch
Tue Jan 10 16:04:18 CET 2012

Liebe Equals,

Wir haben die Gelegenheit, an der internationalen Konferenz der 
GeschlechterforscherInnen in der Geographie im August in Hamburg einen 
Workshop organsieren, in dem wir die Rolle der Anbieter von bezahlten 
Pflegedienstleistungen diskutieren. Gerne senden wir euch anbei die 
Einladung für Konferenzbeiträge. Wir freuen uns auf Beitragsangebote und 
laden euch herzlich ein, den "Call for Papers" an allfällig 
Interessierte weiter zu leiten!

Mit herzlichen Grüssen, Karin & Elisabeth

--- Pre-Conference of the IGU-Commission on Gender and Geography, August 
23-25, 2012 in Hamburg ---

In accordance with the organisers of the pre-conference, we plan to 
organise a themed session on suppliers of commercialised care. We are 
interested in discussing the role of intermediaries in shaping care 
arrangements - especially in the case of around-the-clock care for 
elderly people in their private homes.

Please see the call for papers below. We are looking forward to 
receiving your abstracts,
Karin & Elisabeth

**Call for Papers: Suppliers of commercialised care* *

Session organisers: Elisabeth Bühler and Karin Schwiter, University of 
Zurich, Switzerland

The migration of (predominantly female) care workers from poorer to 
richer countries has become a key issue in geographic research. There 
already exists a substantive body of work on global and regional care 
chains, on the migratory patterns of care workers and on the migration 
and care policies of the respective countries. Furthermore, geographers 
have been looking at the daily lives of these carers, at various aspects 
of their work as well as at the resulting care gaps in their countries 
of origin.

So far, however, comparatively little attention has been paid to the 
intermediaries, who act as brokers between care givers and receivers. 
The rising demand for care has led to a growing market for care 
suppliers. An increasing number of public and private companies act as 
employers or brokers of care givers. They play a key role in determining 
the living and working conditions of these (mostly female) migrants 
employed as carers.

The objective of this session is to better understand the role of these 
intermediaries in shaping care arrangements. How do they operate in this 
market? How do they recruit carers? To what extent do they shape 
migratory patterns, care arrangements and working conditions? etc. The 
session's main focus thereby lies on the provision of around-the-clock 
care for elderly people in their private homes, however, contributions 
on intermediaries for caregivers in other settings are also welcome.

Please send your abstracts (500 words max.) to 
elisabeth.buehler at geo.uzh.ch and karin.schwiter at geo.uzh.ch *by the end 
of February*.For more information on the pre-conference see: 

Dr. Karin Schwiter
Senior Research and Teaching Associate

Department of Geography
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland

Phone +41 44 635 52 14
Mobile +41 76 442 32 76
karin.schwiter at geo.uzh.ch


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