[Equal] Invitation to Film Matinée "Lili's Journey" on November 17 in Zurich

UN Women Schweiz info at unwomen.ch
Thu Oct 31 11:20:30 CET 2013

Invitation to Matinée „Lili’s Journey“

Stories of Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment in the 21st Century

*Sunday, 17 November 2013, 11am – 1pm*

*Kino Arthouse Movie 2*

*Nägelihof 4 am Limmatquai/Rüdenplatz, Zurich*


Maurice Seaton, Member of the Board, UN Women National Committee Switzerland

*Introduction and Questions & Answers at the end of the screening*

Laetitia Belmadani, Filmmaker and Member of the Board of UN Women National
Committee France

*Free Entrance*

Suggested donation: CHF 20.- / CHF 15.- for students

Registrations to info at unwomen.ch (Registered participants take precedence.)

Film in original english version with french subtitles (no german

*Film Description*

Written and directed by Laetitia Belmadani, Lili's Journey features the
intertwined stories of women and men on the vital subject of women's
empowerment and gender equality for the achievement of all of the UN
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Through the personal journey of
Laetitia Belmadani throughout the world's most diverse cultures, traditions
and religions, this documentary seeks to portray leading NGO's, the private
sector and the link to public institutions and the UN system, in an attempt
to clarify what it will take to promote women’s empowerment and gender

*Lili’s Journey* / F 2012, 82 Min.  /HD

In original english version with french subtitles

Written and directed by: Laetitia Belmadani

Featuring: Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan, Ms. Michelle
Bachelet, former Executive Director of UN Women, Ms. Zainab Salbi,
Co-founder and President of Women for Women International, and Ms Irina
Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO.

*UN Women Nationales Komitee Schweiz*
*UN Women Comité National Suisse*
*UN Women National Committee Switzerland
Baumackerstr. 24 | 8050 Zürich
T: 044 252 16 90
wep at unwomen.ch <caterina.meierpfister at unwomen.ch>

*Damit mehr Frauen sicher, gleichberechtigt und in Würde leben können*
*Afin que davantage de femmes puissent vivre dans la sûreté, l'égalité et
la dignité*
*Empowering women to live in safety, equality and dignity*
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