[Equal] "Assessement: The Silent Killer of Learning" by Prof. Eric Mazur at ETH Zurich - article and video of the lecture

EqualOpportunity (SL) equal at sl.ethz.ch
Wed Dec 17 15:04:32 CET 2014

«Assessement: The Silent Killer of Learning» by Prof. Eric Mazur

Eric Mazur is professor at Harvard University and dean of the department of Physics. Eric Mazur is strongly involved in improving academic teaching. His introductory lectures to physics advance the conceptual understanding of physics through the use of interactive opportunities for students. Hereby, he ensures that women and men may profit equally from his teachings.
In November of 2014, Eric Mazur visited ETH Zurich to hold a guest lecture on the subject of "Assessment: The Silent Killer of Learning".

For further information and the video of the lecture, please have a look here: http://www.equal.ethz.ch/gender_science_technology/gastvortraege/mazur_gastvortrag/index_EN (the video of the panel discussion will follow soon)

A full list of his journal articles you will find here: http://mazur.harvard.edu/publications.php?function=searchbyid&author=3

Best wishes
The equal! team

ETH Zürich
Honorata Kaczykowski-Patermann, M.A.  (honorata.kaczykowski at sl.ethz.ch<mailto:honorata.kaczykowski at sl.ethz.ch>)
Stelle für Chancengleichheit von Frau und Mann der ETH Zürich
Clausiusstrasse 37
CH - 8092 Zürich

Bürozeiten: Di, Mi, Do

Tel. +41 44 632 61 95
Fax +41 44 632 16 74
equal at sl.ethz.ch<mailto:equal at sl.ethz.ch>

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