[Equal] Public consultation on H2020 'Science with and for Society' work programme 2018-2020

EqualOpportunity (SL) equal at sl.ethz.ch
Mon Apr 18 14:16:36 CEST 2016

Dear Equals

The EU Commission has just launched an open public consultation on the potential priorities of the Horizon 2020 'Science with and for Society' (SWAFS) Work Programme 2018-2020.

To submit a contribution and for more information visit: http://ec.europa.eu/research/consultations/swafs-wp2018-2020/consultation_en.htm

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from civil society organisations, businesses, research institutions, policy makers, higher education institutions, science museums, science shops, scientific centres of excellence, local public authorities, cities of scientific culture, innovators and entrepreneurs (non-exhaustive list).

The aim of the consultation is to obtain contributions from a broad constituency to inform the work programme priorities, including for gender equality. As you know, gender equality has been one of the pillars of the SWAFS Work Programme since the beginning of H2020 and your input and views on future priorities would be very much welcomed. The contributions received will complement the opinion provided by an external advisory group of high-level experts set up by the Commission according to Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013 establishing Horizon 2020.

Please also forward the link to interested individuals and organisations in your networks.

Kind regards, Equal-Team

ETH Zurich<http://www.feriennet.ch/ferienspass-zuerich/angebote/detail.html?objects.offer_id=80308>
equal! Office of Equal Opportunities for Women and Men<http://www.feriennet.ch/ferienspass-zuerich/angebote/detail.html?objects.offer_id=80308>
CLD D11<http://www.feriennet.ch/ferienspass-zuerich/angebote/detail.html?objects.offer_id=80308>
Clausiusstrasse 37<http://www.feriennet.ch/ferienspass-zuerich/angebote/detail.html?objects.offer_id=80308>
CH - 8092 Zürich<http://www.feriennet.ch/ferienspass-zuerich/angebote/detail.html?objects.offer_id=80308>
equal at sl.ethz.ch<http://www.feriennet.ch/ferienspass-zuerich/angebote/detail.html?objects.offer_id=80308>
www.equal.ethz.ch<mailto:equal at sl.ethz.ch>

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