[Equal] Conference "Women and Leadership in Academia" UZH 14 November 2016

karin.gilland-lutz at gleichstellung.uzh.ch karin.gilland-lutz at gleichstellung.uzh.ch
Wed Jun 1 11:23:39 CEST 2016

Dear equals

You are warmly invited to register for the conference "Women and Leadership
in Academia" at the University of Zurich on 14 November 2016.

This half-day conference brings together researchers, policy-makers and
university leaders from Switzerland, Europe and beyond to consider how to
move toward parity in leadership.

For more information and online registration, please visit:

Many thanks and best wishes
Karin Gilland Lutz
   Dr. Karin Gilland Lutz                                                               
   Stv. Abteilungsleiterin/Abteilung                                                    
   Universität Zürich                                                                   
   Dr. Karin Gilland Lutz                                                               
   Seilergraben 49 (Empfang: Seilergraben                                               
   CH-8001 Zürich                                                                       
   +41 44 634 22 16 Telefon                                                             
   karin.gilland-lutz at gleichstellung.uzh.ch                                             
   UZH hosts conference Women and                                                       
   Leadership in Academia on 14 November                                                
   2016. For further information and online                                             
   registration, please visit:                                                          

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