[Equal] Professorship for Biomedical Imaging

Kaczykowski-Patermann Honorata Stefania (Prs) honorata.kaczykowski at sl.ethz.ch
Mon Sep 12 13:00:16 CEST 2016

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zurich invites applications for the following academic position starting on 1st August 2018:

Professorship for Biomedical Imaging

The professorship for Biomedical Imaging represents an important interface between Medicine and Engineering at the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). It is affiliated with the Institute for Biomedical Engineering, which is operated jointly between the two Universities, as well as with the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the UZH. The professorship thus benefits from an outstanding array of joint infrastructures for state-of-the-art research.

The professorship is oriented towards interdisciplinary research in experimental biomedical imaging and towards the development of new imaging technologies. The practical applications of research shall be based primarily on in vivo imaging of small animals. Preference will be given to candidates working on the nervous<http://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/nervous.html> system<http://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/system.html>, although other organ systems will also be considered. A translational component including human studies is also conceivable for innovative technological developments and scientific discovery. The professorship will be involved in curricular teaching of Medicine and Biology at the University of Zurich and will contribute significantly to the Master’s Course “Biomedical Imaging”. However, fluency in German is not a precondition for application.

Applicants are expected to have a habilitation or equivalent academic achievements. Their research activities should be internationally recognized for their quality and originality, and supported by successful competitive third-party funding. Future projects should be geared towards the implementation of interdisciplinary teamwork. Applicants should be highly motivated to foster the next generation of researchers.

The University of Zurich is promoting equal opportunities. The Medical Faculty is implementing specific measures aiming to raise the proportion of female academics. Part-time employment and/or job sharing can be considered in individual cases.

Applications to this position are welcomed up to November 10, 2016 via https://www.recruiting.med.uzh.ch/position/8355840. Applications per standard mail or email cannot be considered. For any additional information please refer to the President of the Committee, Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Plecko, University Children’s Hospital Zurich – Eleonoren Foundation, Steinwiesstrasse 75, 8032 Zurich, phone: +41 44 266 7330, barbara.plecko at kispi.uzh.ch
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