[Equal] WINS: Awareness Event with Ms. Sylvie Durrer

EqualOpportunity (SL) equal at sl.ethz.ch
Tue Sep 13 12:31:16 CEST 2016

WINS - The Society for Women in Natural Sciences (Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich) invites you to:

Awareness Event: Gender Equality in Switzerland

with Ms. Sylvie Durrer, Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality

October 11th, 2016

On this occasion Ms. Sylvie Durrer, Head of the Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality, will give a talk on "Gender Equality in Switzerland - In Legal Terms and In Practice" that will be followed by a discussion moderated by Prof. Karl-Heinz Altmann, and an apéro.

Sign up here https://ethz.doodle.com/poll/94wzha3tvnezr46p

More information on WINS http://wins.ethz.ch/

ETH Zürich
Honorata Kaczykowski-Patermann, M.A.  (honorata.kaczykowski at sl.ethz.ch<mailto:honorata.kaczykowski at sl.ethz.ch>)
Stelle für Chancengleichheit von Frau und Mann der ETH Zürich
Clausiusstrasse 37
CH - 8092 Zürich

Bürozeiten: Di, Mi, Do

Tel. +41 44 632 61 95
Fax +41 44 632 16 74
equal at sl.ethz.ch<mailto:equal at sl.ethz.ch>

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