[Equal] Head of new research unit in Davos Climate Change and Natural Hazards

urte.reckowsky at wsl.ch urte.reckowsky at wsl.ch
Fri Jan 8 16:55:19 CET 2021

The Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape WSL is 
building up a new research center in Davos, named "Climate Change, 
Extremes, and Natural Hazards in Alpine Regions Research Center - CERC", 
part of the Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF. 
As of July 1, 2021 we are looking for a Center Head. The diverse tasks of 
this person include research coordination and development of the entire 
unit, obtaining external funding, leading about 40 employees, and 
maintaining  a good cooperation with authorities and organizations on a 
national as well as international level.
Candidates are expected to have several years of experience in independent 
research and demonstrate a comprehensive record of accomplishment in one 
or more of the following research areas: (1) permafrost; (2) remote 
sensing, early detection and warning; (3) alpine mass movements; (4) 
mountain ecosystems; (5) risk management, risk communication and 
resilience in alpine natural hazards. They should further have several 
years of experience in leading research groups and/or in managing 
interdisciplinary research projects and possess high diplomatic skills. 
Proficiency in one of the Swiss national languages as well as a high level 
of written and spoken English are required.
More information at: https://apply.refline.ch/273855/1120/pub/1/index.html
Applications at: 


Urte Reckowsky

Bi HL D 20
Eidg. Forschungsanstalt  WSL
Zürcherstrasse  111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Schweiz

Telefon +41 44 739 29 31

Die WSL ist ein Forschungsinstitut des ETH-Bereichs.
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