[Equal] WU matters. WU talks "I have nothing against foreigners, but..." / Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 6:00pm / online

Lydtin, Sonja sonja.lydtin at wu.ac.at
Fri Mar 5 12:46:21 CET 2021

Herzliche Einladung zum digitalen "Diversity Talk" der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, 17.3.2021, 18 Uhr:

'WU matters. WU talks.' -diversity talk:

"I have nothing against foreigners, but..."
The two sides of being international
 "You know me, I've got nothing against foreigners. Some of my best friends are foreigners. But these particular foreigners aren't even from the village!" (Geriatrix, Asterix and Caesar's Gift)

Internationality has many faces, and it is widely regarded as a success factor in a globalized world. And yet, having an immigrant background is seen as a disadvantage. What does internationality mean for us personally, and for our everyday life at an international university? How do we deal with things that feel "foreign," and how do we define our own concept of what's "normal"? We'll be talking about opportunities, challenges, and (academic) freedom in a world where borders are becoming more and more open - or are they?

Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Time: 6:00pm
Location: online

Livestream link: wu.at/matters-internationality

Panel discussion:

Marie-Thérèse Claes, Professor and Head of the Institute for Gender & Diversity in Organizations, WU
Hubert von Goisern, world musician, singer and songwriter
Majid Mgamis, Associate Professor of English Literature and Criticism, Member of Scholars at Risk
Shalini Randeria, Rector of the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, Professor of Social Anthropology and Sociology at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies<http://graduateinstitute.ch/home.html> (IHEID) in Geneva

Moderated by: Riem Higazi, Founding Member, Presenter, and Station Voice at FM4, ORF

Further information and sign-up page<wu.at/matters-internationality>

Best regards,

Sonja Lydtin

Mag.a Sonja Lydtin, MAS
Stabstelle Gender & Diversity Policy
Gender & Diversity Policy Officer

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1, Gebäude AD
1020 Vienna, Austria

Tel. +43 1 313 36 / 4419, Fax: +43 1 313 36 / 777
Email: sonja.lydtin at wu.ac.at<mailto:sonja.lydtin at wu.ac.at>

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