[Oberon] IMAP4 server

Thomas Frey frey at inf.ethz.ch
Wed Jul 2 16:15:08 CEST 2003

> I think I have a top level solid technical design for a SPAM avoidance
> strategy that uses a completely novel approach, but is completely obvious
> after disclosure.  I am still a little protective of it, but would discuss
> it under promise of confidentiality.
We also came up with some simple strategies to avoid SPAM:
White-List/Challenge - Approach:
Each recevied mail is checked against a white-list of known senders. If it
does not match, a challenge mail is sent to the sender of the mail.
The challenge can not be answered by a machine. (e.g. selecting a picture /
reading a word in a noisy picture / selecting a word out of a text)
The approach could be enhanced by a bayesian filter.

Another apporach is to only accept PGP encrypted files. A spamer could still
send mail but he would waste too much computing time.
Unencrypted mail would be sent back by email, including the public key
required to encrypt the mail.

> My application reads the incoming network and writes to the disk, and is
> very slow.  My estimate is about 4 chars / second, or an hour to write a
> Kb message ( ! )
This speed is surely not regular. Depending on your controller you should
see 4-12MB/s.


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