[Oberon] Newbie question re. BB

Rene Krywult rene.krywult at aon.at
Sat Sep 17 03:06:43 CEST 2005

Thomas Frey wrote:

>>Another topic: I tried to download the crazy, the donwload worked fine.
>>Then I unZIPped it and mounted the ISO with Virtual Daemon Manager 3.44.
>>The mounted volume is empty. Any ideas?
>Even though the CD is an ISO image, the ISO Filesystem track is empty.
>The downloaded image only contains a bootable image. So you can boot the
>CD and from there install it. ISO reader programms have no access. It is
>possible to add files to the iso track on the CD but this would increase
>the download size by a bit less than factor 2, so this is avoided for
>the frequent crazy release.
>When WinAos and LinAos are ready it could make sense to add these
>releases to the ISO track so to have a one for all CD-Image.
Thanks to all who answered this question.

I can see the reason to this, though I think it should be written down 
on the download page. AFAIK, the stable version comes with a working iso 
track, and I assumed that the crazy version would be the same.

Thanks for these infos, too.

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