AW: [Oberon] Problems with the 24/01/2006 release -probs withStartmenu.XML

Stauber Sven Philipp staubesv at
Thu Feb 9 09:29:55 CET 2006

>The bad thing: It seems that a certain "StartMenu.XML" could not be loaded. [...]
>So, where do I get a StartMenu.XML?
There is no StartMenu.XML file. There is, however, a StartMenu.Mod. The command StartMenu.Open ~ will display the BB menu. It is executed at system startup (see autostart section in AosConfig.XML).
Sven Stauber

Von: oberon-bounces at im Auftrag von Rene Krywult
Gesendet: Mi 08.02.2006 22:43
An: ETH Oberon and related systems
Betreff: [Oberon] Problems with the 24/01/2006 release -probs withStartmenu.XML

I'm just trying to get started. I had the ancient "current" up and running.

So I burnt a Cd with the crazy-fresh and booted. Everything seemed to be
OK, but unfortunately, the USB-Logitech-Mouse doesn't function. Also, in
teh Log Window I get the following message at least 21 times: "No
decoder found for NIL". Next I tried adding Boot6=AosUsbMouse.Install.
Didn't help. Keyboard works, though, because Meta-Home and Meta-Cursor
keys give a reaction.

So I downloaded all the ZIP-Files of the crazy-fresh and saved them to a
FAT32-HDD. Then just started my old version (installed on a HDD),
mounted the FAT32-HDD, opened the FAT:Install.Tool and followed through
the Update-procedure. Everything worked fine. So I rebooted. The good
thing: My mouse now works ok.

The bad thing: It seems that a certain "StartMenu.XML" could not be
loaded. Unfortunately, it is nowhere in the distributed files, and it
was not with the old files. I opened Oberon via command in the
Log-Window and searched for anything resembling that XML, but it's not
there. So I looked into all the ZIPs, but it'S not there. Apparently it
is on the CD, but I can't access the CD from my installed BB version,
and in Windows it simply is empty.

So, where do I get a StartMenu.XML?


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