[Oberon] BootMan

Easthope peasthope at cablelan.net
Wed Feb 21 21:36:31 MET 2007

Aubrey & others,

am> I didn't find messages from you in my email 
or the archive. I assume
that Andre himself will write to you.

That is another topic and I'll post again when 
email works for me.  Forget it for now.

am> Nonetheless, are you doing anything in the boot manager? 

Just routine use.  I mentioned those points only 
for interest and documentation.

am> I ask because many boot managers use a trick 
to put the processor into protected mode ...

Pity that such tricks are necessary.  "Tricks" 
inevitably lead to more problems.

am> Have you, or anyone else on the list, got good 
access to a boot sector source from something such 
as Linux ...

Is this any help?  http://lxr.linux.no/source/

am> Are you working on this very approach yourself?

No.  Just trying to get some systems working 

Thanks,          ... Peter E.

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