[Oberon] RX.Tool scope limited to 1 line ?

Chris Glur easlab at absamail.co.za
Thu Mar 1 11:33:16 MET 2007

This most frustrating [but essential] Tool !
When ever I try to program it after 6 months away, I need a
2 hour refresher course.

I've always understood that the 'scope' is limited to a single line.
Ie. that searching & replacing cannot be done over line boundries.
Which is a serious limitation.

This seems not to be the case. Since there would then be no reason
to have in the recognised 'syntax':
"      c		:  carriage return "

Can this utility eg. find and remove all such 4 lines from a marked

<anyString> <space> "cat" <anyString>
<anyString for line 2>
<anyString for line 3>
<anyString> <space> "dog"


I find that only by capturing the tortured labour in an ET.Do script
can I justify the use of this frustrating utility.
The fact that the original design [with a mod now AFAIK in Edgar's
wiki] was restricted to ascii chars, tells a lot.

Thanks for any info,

==Chris Glur.

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