[Oberon] Releases

Dmitry Maslov dimon075 at mail.ru
Fri Sep 25 10:58:44 CEST 2015


I downloaded the release A2 6480 and tried to run "Release.Build --build WinAos ~".

Received error message:
Error(s) in file Win32.WinTrace.Mod
       Win32.WinTrace.Mod error: A2.WinTrace could not be compiled (checker errors).
       Win32.WinTrace.Mod at 1097 error: undeclared identifier (selector)

I tried to compile the "Win32.WinTrace.Mod".

Got error message (pos: 1097) "undeclared identifier (selector)" 

at line:  "IF Kernel32.AttachConsole(-1) = Kernel32.True THEN"

Win32.Kernel32.Mod did not contain a definition AttachConsole.

It's some kind of bug or I something not understand?

Where can I read about releases A2, A2Cooperative, A2RPiCooperative, WINAOS, WINAOS generic?

   Dmitry Maslov

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