[Oberon] RISC5 implementation issues.

Magnus Karlsson magnus at saanlima.com
Tue Feb 16 20:06:14 CET 2016

On 2/16/2016 9:22 AM, Walter Gallegos wrote:
> always @(posedge clk0) clk <= ~clk;
> "posedge" force the implementation tool to use the clock edge 
> detection available in each FPGA FF; so, this sentence force the tool 
> to connect a general purpose interconnection network as FF output is 
> to the clock distribution tree.
> And again a signal ( not a clock in the FPGA world ) is used as clock.
> always @(posedge clk)
> ....
> end

No, this is not the way it works.  The tool is smart enough to 
understand what you really mean and will instantiate the appropriate 
modules as needed.

In the Pepino case, this is how the clock path looks like (as evident by 
looking at the fully routed design in Xilinx FPGA Editor):
The CPU clock signal clk is created by a flip-flop that divides the 
input clock CLK50M by 2.  This logic signal /clk/ is then connected to a 
clock buffer BUFG that will feed one of the global clock nets.  The 
global clock signal is called /clk_BUFG/ and is used every where you use 
it as a clock in the code, as in the /always @(posedge clk)/ statement.

> And after correct this problems don't forget to modify :
> assign SRwe0 = ~wr | clk, SRwe1 = SRwe0;
> Here clk is used as signal, so if clk is a clock must not be connected 
> to a LUT input.

Again, not a problem.  The tool is smart enough to understand that when 
you use the signal clk as a logic signal it will use the non-buffered 
signal /clk/ and not the buffered signal /clk_BUFG/.


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