[Oberon] Railway System vs All terrain vehicle.

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 07:10:15 CEST 2016

I have ETHO/Aos files scattered all over my file-tree of multiple disks
with 50+30+12 = 92 partitions; because when I need the facilities of LEO,
like coloring to mark/recognise and extract + copy sections of text or
see 4 sections of a TextFile together, only ETHO can do it.

So my new trick-script to view/edit any ETHO-file which I find anywhere
in the file tree, by only 4 kliks is very useful.
2 kliks to copy the file's path/name to the fixed location,
and 2 kliks to launch LEO and load the file;
and 1 klik to get back to the previous state.

It's important to NOT have complex procedures for simple repetitive tasks,
like quickly viewing a file, whos name suggests a possible interest.

Of course it can do DOS/Micro$pook an *nix files too, since I've got no
other tools besides LEO eg. to visually find where 2 text files differ.
So I though I'd see if I could use the same trick with LNO [and later ALO].
But I can't. With LNO, I'm locked in a cage. I can't roam the filetree.
Writing the file-to-be-accessed's path/name as a sym-link to LNO's dir.
also fails, and writing the path only: works 30% of the times ?!
So I though I'd see if V4 could do it.
Linux V4 which I haven't used for some time is very slik/impressive.
While searching I discovered TeX.Mod !
and : TeX.Print FAQ.Text
 gave "Calling tex tmp.tex tmp.dvi created"
and generated files:
 tmp.dvi         |   2204|Apr 26 21:25|
 tmp.log         |    160|Apr 26 21:25|
 tmp.tex         |   1756|Apr 26 21:25|

And: dvipdf tmp.dvi tmp.pdf
 shows the reduced quality pdf of the V4 file: FAQ.Text

Quite amazing!  But I don't want to WRITE LaTex.
I want to READ maths text of LaTeX, like:
  G_{\mu \nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu \nu}= {8\pi G\over c^4} T_{\mu \nu} ;
which I suspect can be done by a simple translation-table.

This LaTex I suspect, involves stacking text at multi-levels,
like when you write a numerator/denominator as a numerator:
           P = \frac{\mathrm{d}E}{\mathrm{d}t} = - \frac{32}{5}\,
           \frac{G^4}{c^5}\, \frac{(m_1m_2)^2 (m_1+m_2)}{r^5}.

Apparently, with the latest html-standard, the client's browser
uses javascript to run an ap, in the the html, to render the LaTeX.

It's getting increasingly absurd; like the US automobile industry,
before it collapsed and was replaced by Japanese realism.
ETHO gives you a fantastic improvement over the standard
"klik-here-and-d/l-the-html-with-all-the-commercials and save in
an unknown location, chosen by the latest-browser, so that YOU
lose control of the system".

When you are investigating a topic [these days everything is fetched
by html, even if not containing graphics or needing hyperlinks;
i.e. designed for dummies], you build a <book> which instead of.
getting dirty/worn-out as you use it, get's more intelligent.

* create an ETHO-GadgetsFile suitably named by YOU.
* use any of the several available methods to copy the text from the
  fetched-standard-html into your book.
* use a <screen capture> utility to capture-to-png any worthwile images;
  use ETHO's facilities to paste the captured.png to the suitable
  location in your evolving book.
  This would allow you to eg. paste a LaTex maths formular, once it
   was rendered by "something".
* as you read/consult your book, you will want to delete material that's
  known, and HiLite/Color other texts, and add extra text & images.
* of course, as you fetch more material on the topic, you can just add
  extra chapters to your evolving book, as it suits you.

That's how YOUR book evolves and becomes more intelligent, instead of
being a vendor-lock-in-product designed by some one else.

== Chris Glur.

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