[Oberon] Does Oberon-experimental run on Win8.1 x64?

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 12:40:29 CEST 2016

 Jörg wrote:
]Whenever possible try to update to Windows 10.
] Windows 7 and 10 are okay, forget the versions in between

I'll have a nervous-break down with this Microsoft garbage:
my fixed residence & computer systems were destroyed,
so I bought a new laptop & 12-month inet access + USBdevice.

The laptop was bought on condition that it drove the 3G-device.
Then the deceptive/fraudulent MSAccount replaced the administrator's
password-free access with my chosen [and recorded *INSIDE*
on my notes file] password. Which locked me out of the system.

The vendor fixed that by installing Win 10, and I bought a Linux
DVD which <worked>, but then the 3G failed. So he installed
Win8.1 x64.

I must move forwards from a known/confirmed working stage,
because I don't WANT to know the technical details of the
WinTel monopolists.

I've invested too much effort in Win8.1 to change again.

== Chris Glur.

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