[Oberon] Need V4 Code for trivial task.

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 19:06:34 CET 2016

How does Win8.1 work re. internet access for Oberon-V4?
Trying to access some http gave a <can/t access> error message, so
I tested the V4's telnet facility on my NNTP-server, using their IP
number instead of their name. And I was able to dialogue.
Under linux, that would normally indicate DNS, resolver problems.
How would I further debug this under Windows: Oberon-V4?
]> What happened to nested functions which TurboPascal & my P-code
]> interpreter used?   Like: count the sentences in dirTree:D in Files:F which
]> contain "blue" & "red"
Lars wrote:-
] By nested functions do you mean code?
] like
] procedure test;
]   procedure inner;
]   begin
]   end;
] begin
]   inner; // local function, nested
] end;
No. X := Max(Smallest(Afiles), Bigest(Bfiles));
where Max returns the larger of 2 Ints;
and Smallest, Bigest return the Int-size of a set of files.

Much of ETHO's code has a naive/annoying style of:-
  Collect all needed temp variables
  launch the function using the tempVars
  collect any return values for next stage

Contrast this with:
 Stage1 | Stage2 | ..... StageN

With the laguage ML, you don't need/want variables.
You just have "it".

== Chris Glur.

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