[Oberon] Emulating an RS-232 line with the Oberon emulator

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 24 23:59:25 CEST 2017

> mkfifo pipe1 pipe2
> risc --serial-in pipe1 --serial-out pipe2 ob1.dsk &
> risc --serial-in pipe2 --serial-out pipe1 ob2.dsk &
> This works on Linux, I'm not sure how portable the code is.

It also works on macOS. Tested with module ‘Oberon0’ running
on one Oberon instance, and module ‘ORC’ running on the other,
while sending Oberon0 commands from ORC to Oberon0. Works.

Now all we need is an additional option ‘—boot-from-serial’ in
the ‘risc’ command (but there is a workaround..).


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