[Oberon] FPGA - DIY Dialogs

Tomas Kral thomas.kral at email.cz
Wed Dec 26 13:17:13 CET 2018

On Sat, 15 Dec 2018 11:45:10 +0100
Jörg <joerg.straube at iaeth.ch> wrote:

> chapter 3 and 4

Recoded to this, I borrow from `GraphicFrames.Mod', that learn a lot
from, I wish to use dY, currently have my `voff-Y' calculations.

  PROCEDURE Handle*(F: Display.Frame; VAR M: Display.FrameMsg);
    VAR x, y, h: INTEGER; o: DLogs.Object;
    CASE F OF Frame:
      CASE M OF
          IF M.id = Oberon.track THEN
            IF M.keys # {} THEN FlipHook(F, M);
              IF ~ F.focus THEN Oberon.PassFocus(Viewers.This(F.X, F.Y)); F.focus := TRUE END ;
              o := DLogs.This(M.X, F.H-M.Y+F.Y); IF o # NIL THEN Out.String("found"); Out.Ln END
            ELSE Oberon.DrawMouse(Crosshair, M.X, M.Y) END
          ELSIF M.id = Oberon.consume THEN Out.String("consume msg: "); Out.Char(M.ch); Out.Ln
       | UpdateMsg: Out.String("update msg"); Out.Ln
       | Oberon.ControlMsg:
            IF M.id = Oberon.neutralize THEN Oberon.RemoveMarks(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H);
              Out.String("neutralize msg"); Out.Ln
            ELSIF M.id = Oberon.defocus THEN Out.String("defocus msg"); Out.Ln;
              F.focus := FALSE; HideHook(F)
       | Oberon.SelectionMsg: Out.String("select msg"); Out.Ln
       | Oberon.CopyMsg: Oberon.RemoveMarks(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H);
       | MenuViewers.ModifyMsg: HideHook(F);
           Display.ReplConst(Display.black, F.X, M.Y, F.W, M.H, Display.replace); (*clear frame*)
           Display.ReplPattern(7, Display1.grey0, F.X, M.Y, F.W, M.H, Display.invert); (*filler*)
           Out.String("modify msg"); Out.Int(M.id, 3); Out.Ln; DLogs.Update(M.Y+M.H)
  END Handle;

I currently have only one dynamic call o.Draw(), I may need o.Handle()
in addition. I do not use UpdateMsg, I plan to use when only one object
needs updating (delete/move/change/...etc).

Is it possible to have one frame for multiple dialogs, see picture?

Tomas Kral <thomas.kral at email.cz>
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