[Oberon] SystemV - Viewer Scroll

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 14 21:36:28 CET 2019

    > [1] When scrolling down, a portion of text is copied up `CopyBlock',
    >     vacant part is cleared at the bottom, a new text is copied into `CopyPattern'.
    > [2] When scrolling up, the whole viewer is cleared and redrawn by `CopyPattern'.
    > I wish [2] behave similar to [1], possible?  Looking for a hint as to where in the
    > source text this could be experimented with?
    > Many thanks.
    > Tomas Kral

Can you try the variant of TextFrames.Mod shown below? It does exactly that
and should work “as is” on a plain vanilla FPGA Oberon system (you need to
recompile both TextFrames *and* System, then restart the system).

Using ‘CopyBlock' to optimize scrolling in *both* directions is absolutely
necessary to make scrolling smooth, i.e. avoid flickering when scrolling up.

If interested, you can also experiment with more advanced variants, e.g.
with fractional line scrolling, variable or fixed line spaces:

[a] Variable line space (each line has its own line space L.lsp) = Experimental Oberon


[b] Fixed line space (all lines use the same line space lsp):


[c] Demo video: 


(ps: if your browser cannot display the video, just click the “Download”
button on Github to download the .mov file to your computer)



MODULE TextFrames; (*JG 8.10.90 / NW 10.5.2013 / AP 25.2.2015 continuous line scroll, no fractional scroll*)
  IMPORT Modules, Input, Display, Viewers, Fonts, Texts, Oberon, MenuViewers;

  CONST replace* = 0; insert* = 1; delete* = 2; unmark* = 3; (*message id*)
    BS = 8X; TAB = 9X; CR = 0DX; DEL = 7FX; FrameColor = 1;   

  TYPE Line = POINTER TO LineDesc;
    LineDesc = RECORD
      len: LONGINT;
      wid: INTEGER;
      eot: BOOLEAN;
      next: Line

    Location* = RECORD
      org*, pos*: LONGINT;
      dx*, x*, y*: INTEGER;
      lin: Line

    Frame* = POINTER TO FrameDesc;
    FrameDesc* = RECORD (Display.FrameDesc)
      text*: Texts.Text;
      org*: LONGINT;
      col*: INTEGER;
      lsp*: INTEGER;
      left*, right*, top*, bot*: INTEGER;
      markH*: INTEGER;
      time*: LONGINT;
      hasCar*, hasSel*, hasMark: BOOLEAN;
      carloc*: Location;
      selbeg*, selend*: Location;
      trailer: Line;
      pool: Line (*line pool to minimize heap usage*)

    UpdateMsg* = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg)
      id*: INTEGER;
      text*: Texts.Text;
      beg*, end*: LONGINT

    CopyOverMsg = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg)
      text: Texts.Text;
      beg, end: LONGINT

  VAR TBuf*, DelBuf: Texts.Buffer;
    menuH*, barW*, left*, right*, top*, bot*, lsp*: INTEGER; (*standard sizes*)
    asr, dsr, selH, markW, eolW: INTEGER;
    nextCh: CHAR;
    ScrollMarker: Oberon.Marker;
    W, KW: Texts.Writer; (*keyboard writer*)

  BEGIN IF i >= j THEN m := j ELSE m := i END ;
    RETURN m
  END Min;

  PROCEDURE NewLine (F: Frame; VAR L: Line); (*reuse line from line pool if possible*)
  BEGIN IF F.pool # NIL THEN L := F.pool; F.pool := L.next ELSE NEW(L) END
  END NewLine;

  PROCEDURE LastLine (F: Frame; L: Line); (*move lines after L to line pool*)
    VAR L0: Line;
  BEGIN (*L in F.trailer list*)
    IF L.next # F.trailer THEN L0 := L;
      WHILE L0.next # F.trailer DO L0 := L0.next END;
      L0.next := F.pool; F.pool := L.next; L.next := F.trailer
  END LastLine;

  (*------------------display support------------------------*)

  PROCEDURE ReplConst (col: INTEGER; F: Frame; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER; mode: INTEGER);
    IF X + W <= F.X + F.W THEN Display.ReplConst(col, X, Y, W, H, mode)
    ELSIF X < F.X + F.W THEN Display.ReplConst(col, X, Y, F.X + F.W - X, H, mode)
  END ReplConst;

  BEGIN DW := Display.Width; DH := Display.Height; CL := DW;
    IF X < CL THEN
      IF X < 3 THEN X := 3 ELSIF X > DW - 4 THEN X := DW - 4 END
      IF X < CL + 3 THEN X := CL + 4 ELSIF X > CL + DW - 4 THEN X := CL + DW - 4 END
    END ;
    IF Y < 6 THEN Y := 6 ELSIF Y > DH - 6 THEN Y := DH - 6 END;
    Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, Display.updown, X-4, Y-4, Display.invert)
  END FlipSM;

  PROCEDURE UpdateMark (F: Frame);  (*in scroll bar*)
    VAR oldH: INTEGER;
  BEGIN oldH := F.markH; F.markH := F.org * F.H DIV (F.text.len + 1);
    IF F.hasMark & (F.left >= barW) & (F.markH # oldH) THEN
      Display.ReplConst(Display.white, F.X + 1, F.Y + F.H - 1 - oldH, markW, 1, Display.invert);
      Display.ReplConst(Display.white, F.X + 1, F.Y + F.H - 1 - F.markH, markW, 1, Display.invert)
  END UpdateMark;

  PROCEDURE SetChangeMark (F: Frame; col: INTEGER);  (*in corner*)
    VAR mode: INTEGER;
    IF F.H > menuH THEN
      IF col = 0 THEN Display.ReplConst(Display.black, F.X+F.W-12, F.Y+F.H-12, 8, 8, Display.replace)
      ELSE Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, Display.block, F.X+F.W-12, F.Y+F.H-12, Display.paint)
  END SetChangeMark;

  PROCEDURE Width (VAR R: Texts.Reader; len: LONGINT): INTEGER;
    VAR patadr, pos: LONGINT; ox, dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER;
  BEGIN pos := 0; ox := 0;
    WHILE pos < len DO
      Fonts.GetPat(R.fnt, nextCh, dx, x, y, w, h, patadr);
      ox := ox + dx; INC(pos); Texts.Read(R, nextCh)
    RETURN ox
  END Width;

  PROCEDURE DisplayLine (F: Frame; L: Line;
    VAR R: Texts.Reader; X, Y: INTEGER; len: LONGINT);
    VAR patadr, NX, dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER;
  BEGIN NX := F.X + F.W;
    WHILE (nextCh # CR) & (R.fnt # NIL) DO
      Fonts.GetPat(R.fnt, nextCh, dx, x, y, w, h, patadr);
      IF (X + x + w <= NX) & (h # 0) THEN
        Display.CopyPattern(R.col, patadr, X + x, Y + y, Display.invert)
      X := X + dx; INC(len); Texts.Read(R, nextCh)
    L.len := len + 1; L.wid := X + eolW - (F.X + F.left);
    L.eot := R.fnt = NIL; Texts.Read(R, nextCh)
  END DisplayLine;

  PROCEDURE Validate (T: Texts.Text; VAR pos: LONGINT);
    VAR R: Texts.Reader;
    IF pos > T.len THEN pos := T.len
    ELSIF pos > 0 THEN
      DEC(pos); Texts.OpenReader(R, T, pos);
      REPEAT Texts.Read(R, nextCh); INC(pos) UNTIL R.eot OR (nextCh = CR)
    ELSE pos := 0
  END Validate;

  PROCEDURE Mark* (F: Frame; on: BOOLEAN);
    IF (F.H > 0) & (F.left >= barW) & ((F.hasMark & ~on) OR (~F.hasMark & on)) THEN
      Display.ReplConst(Display.white, F.X + 1, F.Y + F.H - 1 - F.markH, markW, 1, Display.invert)
    F.hasMark := on
  END Mark;

  PROCEDURE Restore* (F: Frame);
    VAR R: Texts.Reader; L, l: Line; curY, botY: INTEGER;
  BEGIN (*~F.hasMark*)
    Display.ReplConst(F.col, F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H, Display.replace);
    IF F.left >= barW THEN
      Display.ReplConst(FrameColor, F.X + barW - 1, F.Y, 1, F.H, Display.invert)
    Validate(F.text, F.org);
    botY := F.Y + F.bot + dsr;
    Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, F.org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
    L := F.trailer; curY := F.Y + F.H - F.top - asr;
    WHILE ~L.eot & (curY >= botY) DO
      NewLine(F, l); (*NEW(l);*)
      DisplayLine(F, l, R, F.X + F.left, curY, 0);
      L.next := l; L := l; curY := curY - lsp
    L.next := F.trailer;
    F.markH := F.org * F.H DIV (F.text.len + 1)
  END Restore;

  PROCEDURE Suspend* (F: Frame);
  BEGIN (*~F.hasMark*) F.trailer.next := F.trailer
  END Suspend;

  PROCEDURE Extend* (F: Frame; newY: INTEGER);
    VAR R: Texts.Reader; L, l: Line;
    org: LONGINT; curY, botY: INTEGER;
  BEGIN (*~F.hasMark*)
    Display.ReplConst(F.col, F.X, newY, F.W, F.Y - newY, Display.replace);
    IF F.left >= barW THEN
      Display.ReplConst(FrameColor, F.X + barW - 1, newY, 1, F.Y - newY, Display.invert)
    F.H := F.H + F.Y - newY; F.Y := newY;
    IF F.trailer.next = F.trailer THEN Validate(F.text, F.org) END;
    L := F.trailer; org := F.org; curY := F.Y + F.H - F.top - asr;
    WHILE L.next # F.trailer DO
      L := L.next; org := org + L.len; curY := curY - lsp
    botY := F.Y + F.bot + dsr;
    Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
    WHILE ~L.eot & (curY >= botY) DO
      NewLine(F, l); (*NEW(l);*)
      DisplayLine(F, l, R, F.X + F.left, curY, 0);
      L.next := l; L := l; curY := curY - lsp
    L.next := F.trailer;
    F.markH := F.org * F.H DIV (F.text.len + 1)
  END Extend;

  PROCEDURE Reduce* (F: Frame; newY: INTEGER);
    VAR L: Line; curY, botY: INTEGER;
  BEGIN (*~F.hasMark*)
    F.H := F.H + F.Y - newY; F.Y := newY;
    botY := F.Y + F.bot + dsr;
    L := F.trailer; curY := F.Y + F.H - F.top - asr;
    WHILE (L.next # F.trailer) & (curY >= botY) DO
      L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp
    LastLine(F, L); (*L.next := F.trailer;*)
    IF curY + asr > F.Y THEN
      Display.ReplConst(F.col, F.X + F.left, F.Y, F.W - F.left, curY + asr - F.Y, Display.replace)
    F.markH := F.org * F.H DIV (F.text.len + 1); Mark(F, TRUE)
  END Reduce;

  PROCEDURE Show* (F: Frame; pos: LONGINT);
    VAR R: Texts.Reader; L, L0, L1: Line; full: BOOLEAN;
      org: LONGINT; curY, botY, Y0, n, k, new: INTEGER;
    IF F.trailer.next # F.trailer THEN
      IF F.text.changed THEN SetChangeMark(F, 0) END;
      Validate(F.text, pos); full := FALSE;
      IF pos < F.org THEN (*move text down*)
        n := (F.H - F.top - F.bot) DIV lsp; (*n = nb of potentially displayable lines*)
        org := pos; new := 0;
        Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, org); (*read new lines to file buffer*)
        WHILE (org < F.org) & (new < n) DO INC(new);
          REPEAT Texts.Read(R, nextCh); INC(org) UNTIL R.eot OR (nextCh = CR)
        IF (org = F.org) & (new > 0) & (new < n) THEN
          F.org := pos; L := F.trailer; k := 0; n := n - new; (*n = nb of potentially reusable lines*)
          WHILE (L.next # F.trailer) & (k < n) DO (*k = nb of actually reusable lines*)
            L := L.next; INC(k)
          LastLine(F, L);
          curY := F.Y + F.H - F.top - asr;
          IF k > 0 THEN (*if there is at least one reusable line*)
            Display.CopyBlock(F.X + F.left, curY - dsr - lsp*(k-1), F.W - F.left,
                lsp*(k-1) + asr + dsr, F.X + F.left, curY - dsr - lsp*(k+new-1), 0)
          botY := curY - dsr - lsp*(new-1);
          Display.ReplConst(F.col, F.X + F.left, botY,
              F.W - F.left, lsp*(new-1) + asr + dsr, Display.replace);
          Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, pos); Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
          L := F.trailer; L1 := F.trailer.next;
          WHILE ~L.eot & (curY >= botY) DO (*read new lines from file buffer*)
            NewLine(F, L0); (*NEW(L0)*)
            DisplayLine(F, L0, R, F.X + F.left, curY, 0);
            L.next := L0; L := L0; curY := curY - lsp;
          L.next := L1; UpdateMark(F)
        ELSE full := TRUE
      ELSIF pos > F.org THEN (*move text up*)
        org := F.org; L0 := F.trailer; L := F.trailer.next; curY := F.Y + F.H - F.top - asr;
        WHILE (L.next # F.trailer) & (org # pos) DO
          org := org + L.len; L0 := L; L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp
        IF org = pos THEN (*move lines before L to line pool and scroll*)
          IF L0 # L THEN L0.next := F.pool; F.pool := F.trailer.next; F.trailer.next := L END;
          F.org := org; (*F.trailer.next := L;*) Y0 := curY;
          WHILE L.next # F.trailer DO
            org := org + L.len; L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp
          Display.CopyBlock(F.X + F.left, curY - dsr, F.W - F.left, Y0 + asr - (curY - dsr),
              F.X + F.left, curY - dsr + F.Y + F.H - F.top - asr - Y0, 0);
          curY := curY + F.Y + F.H - F.top - asr - Y0;
          Display.ReplConst(F.col, F.X + F.left, F.Y, F.W - F.left, curY - dsr - F.Y, Display.replace);
          org := org + L.len; curY := curY - lsp; botY := F.Y + F.bot + dsr;
          Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
          WHILE ~L.eot & (curY >= botY) DO
            NewLine(F, L0); (*NEW(L0)*)
            DisplayLine(F, L0, R, F.X + F.left, curY, 0);
            L.next := L0; L := L0; curY := curY - lsp
          L.next := F.trailer; UpdateMark(F)
        ELSIF F.org < F.text.len THEN (*at least one line currently displayed*) full := TRUE
      IF full THEN Mark(F, FALSE);
        Display.ReplConst(F.col, F.X + F.left, F.Y, F.W - F.left, F.H, Display.replace);
        botY := F.Y; F.Y := F.Y + F.H; F.H := 0;
        F.org := pos; LastLine(F, F.trailer); (*F.trailer.next := F.trailer*)
        Extend(F, botY); Mark(F, TRUE)
      IF F.text.changed THEN SetChangeMark(F, 1) END
  END Show;

  PROCEDURE LocateLine (F: Frame; y: INTEGER; VAR loc: Location);
    VAR L: Line; org: LONGINT; cury: INTEGER;
  BEGIN org := F.org; L := F.trailer.next; cury := F.H - F.top - asr;
    WHILE (L.next # F.trailer) & (cury > y + dsr) DO
      org := org + L.len; L := L.next; cury := cury - lsp
    loc.org := org; loc.lin := L; loc.y := cury
  END LocateLine;

  PROCEDURE LocateString (F: Frame; x, y: INTEGER; VAR loc: Location);
    VAR R: Texts.Reader;
      patadr, bpos, pos, lim: LONGINT;
      bx, ex, ox, dx, u, v, w, h: INTEGER;
  BEGIN LocateLine(F, y, loc);
    lim := loc.org + loc.lin.len - 1;
    bpos := loc.org; bx := F.left;
    pos := loc.org; ox := F.left;
    Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, loc.org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
      WHILE (pos # lim) & (nextCh > " ") DO (*scan string*)
        Fonts.GetPat(R.fnt, nextCh, dx, u, v, w, h, patadr);
        INC(pos); ox := ox + dx; Texts.Read(R, nextCh)
      ex := ox;
      WHILE (pos # lim) & (nextCh <= " ") DO (*scan gap*)
        Fonts.GetPat(R.fnt, nextCh, dx, u, v, w, h, patadr);
        INC(pos); ox := ox + dx; Texts.Read(R, nextCh)
      IF (pos # lim) & (ox <= x) THEN
        Fonts.GetPat(R.fnt, nextCh, dx, u, v, w, h, patadr);
        bpos := pos; bx := ox;
        INC(pos); ox := ox + dx; Texts.Read(R, nextCh)
      ELSE pos := lim
    UNTIL pos = lim;
    loc.pos := bpos; loc.dx := ex - bx; loc.x := bx
  END LocateString;

  PROCEDURE LocateChar (F: Frame; x, y: INTEGER; VAR loc: Location);
    VAR R: Texts.Reader;
      patadr, pos, lim: LONGINT;
      ox, dx, u, v, w, h: INTEGER;
  BEGIN LocateLine(F, y, loc);
    lim := loc.org + loc.lin.len - 1;
    pos := loc.org; ox := F.left; dx := eolW;
    Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, loc.org);
    WHILE pos # lim DO
      Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
      Fonts.GetPat(R.fnt, nextCh, dx, u, v, w, h, patadr);
      IF ox + dx <= x THEN
        INC(pos); ox := ox + dx;
        IF pos = lim THEN dx := eolW END
      ELSE lim := pos
    END ;
    loc.pos := pos; loc.dx := dx; loc.x := ox
  END LocateChar;

  PROCEDURE LocatePos (F: Frame; pos: LONGINT; VAR loc: Location);
    VAR T: Texts.Text; R: Texts.Reader; L: Line;
      org: LONGINT; cury: INTEGER;
  BEGIN T := F.text;
    org := F.org; L := F.trailer.next; cury := F.H - F.top - asr;
    IF pos < org THEN pos := org END;
    WHILE (L.next # F.trailer) & (pos >= org + L.len) DO
      org := org + L.len; L := L.next; cury := cury - lsp
    IF pos >= org + L.len THEN pos := org + L.len - 1 END;
    Texts.OpenReader(R, T, org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
    loc.org := org; loc.pos := pos; loc.lin := L;
    loc.x := F.left + Width(R, pos - org); loc.y := cury
  END LocatePos;

    VAR loc: Location;
  BEGIN LocateChar(F, X - F.X, Y - F.Y, loc); RETURN loc.pos
  END Pos;

  PROCEDURE FlipCaret (F: Frame);
    IF F.carloc.x < F.W THEN
      IF (F.carloc.y >= 10) & (F.carloc.x + 12 < F.W) THEN
        Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, Display.hook, F.X + F.carloc.x, F.Y + F.carloc.y - 8, Display.invert)
  END FlipCaret;

  PROCEDURE SetCaret* (F: Frame; pos: LONGINT);
  BEGIN LocatePos(F, pos, F.carloc); FlipCaret(F); F.hasCar := TRUE
  END SetCaret;

  PROCEDURE TrackCaret* (F: Frame; X, Y: INTEGER; VAR keysum: SET);
    VAR loc: Location; keys: SET;
    IF F.trailer.next # F.trailer THEN
      LocateChar(F, X - F.X, Y - F.Y, F.carloc);
      keysum := {};
      REPEAT Input.Mouse(keys, X, Y); keysum := keysum + keys;
        Oberon.DrawMouseArrow(X, Y); LocateChar(F, X - F.X, Y - F.Y, loc);
        IF loc.pos # F.carloc.pos THEN FlipCaret(F); F.carloc := loc; FlipCaret(F) END
      UNTIL keys = {};
      F.hasCar := TRUE
  END TrackCaret;

  PROCEDURE RemoveCaret* (F: Frame);
  BEGIN IF F.hasCar THEN FlipCaret(F); F.hasCar := FALSE END
  END RemoveCaret;

  PROCEDURE FlipSelection (F: Frame; VAR beg, end: Location);
    VAR L: Line; Y: INTEGER;
  BEGIN L := beg.lin; Y := F.Y + beg.y - 2;
    IF L = end.lin THEN ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + beg.x, Y, end.x - beg.x, selH, Display.invert)
      ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + beg.x, Y, F.left + L.wid - beg.x, selH, Display.invert);
      L := L.next; Y := Y - lsp;
      WHILE L # end.lin DO
        ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + F.left, Y, L.wid, selH, Display.invert);
        L := L.next; Y := Y - lsp
      ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + F.left, Y, end.x - F.left, selH, Display.invert)
  END FlipSelection;

  PROCEDURE SetSelection* (F: Frame; beg, end: LONGINT);
    IF F.hasSel THEN FlipSelection(F, F.selbeg, F.selend) END;
    LocatePos(F, beg, F.selbeg); LocatePos(F, end, F.selend);
    IF F.selbeg.pos < F.selend.pos THEN
      FlipSelection(F, F.selbeg, F.selend); F.time := Oberon.Time(); F.hasSel := TRUE
  END SetSelection;

  PROCEDURE TrackSelection* (F: Frame; X, Y: INTEGER; VAR keysum: SET);
    VAR loc: Location; keys: SET;
    IF F.trailer.next # F.trailer THEN
      IF F.hasSel THEN FlipSelection(F, F.selbeg, F.selend) END;
      LocateChar(F, X - F.X, Y - F.Y, loc);
      IF F.hasSel & (loc.pos = F.selbeg.pos) & (F.selend.pos = F.selbeg.pos + 1) THEN
        LocateChar(F, F.left, Y - F.Y, F.selbeg)
      ELSE F.selbeg := loc
      INC(loc.pos); loc.x := loc.x + loc.dx; F.selend := loc;
      FlipSelection(F, F.selbeg, F.selend); keysum := {};
        Input.Mouse(keys, X, Y);
        keysum := keysum + keys;
        Oberon.DrawMouseArrow(X, Y);
        LocateChar(F, X - F.X, Y - F.Y, loc);
        IF loc.pos < F.selbeg.pos THEN loc := F.selbeg END;
        INC(loc.pos); loc.x := loc.x + loc.dx;
        IF loc.pos < F.selend.pos THEN FlipSelection(F, loc, F.selend); F.selend := loc
        ELSIF loc.pos > F.selend.pos THEN FlipSelection(F, F.selend, loc); F.selend := loc
      UNTIL keys = {};
      F.time := Oberon.Time(); F.hasSel := TRUE
  END TrackSelection;

  PROCEDURE RemoveSelection* (F: Frame);
  BEGIN IF F.hasSel THEN FlipSelection(F, F.selbeg, F.selend); F.hasSel := FALSE END
  END RemoveSelection;

  PROCEDURE RemoveMarks (F: Frame);
  BEGIN RemoveCaret(F); RemoveSelection(F)
  END RemoveMarks;

  PROCEDURE TrackLine* (F: Frame; X, Y: INTEGER; VAR org: LONGINT; VAR keysum: SET);
    VAR old, new: Location; keys: SET;
    IF F.trailer.next # F.trailer THEN
      LocateLine(F, Y - F.Y, old);
      ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + F.left, F.Y + old.y - dsr, old.lin.wid, 2, Display.invert);
      keysum := {};
      REPEAT Input.Mouse(keys, X, Y);
        keysum := keysum + keys;
        Oberon.DrawMouse(ScrollMarker, X, Y);
        LocateLine(F, Y - F.Y, new);
        IF new.org # old.org THEN
          ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + F.left, F.Y + old.y - dsr, old.lin.wid, 2, Display.invert);
          ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + F.left, F.Y + new.y - dsr, new.lin.wid, 2, Display.invert);
          old := new
       UNTIL keys = {};
       ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + F.left, F.Y + new.y - dsr, new.lin.wid, 2, Display.invert);
       org := new.org
    ELSE org := 0   (*<----*)
  END TrackLine;

  PROCEDURE TrackWord* (F: Frame; X, Y: INTEGER; VAR pos: LONGINT; VAR keysum: SET);
    VAR old, new: Location; keys: SET;
    IF F.trailer.next # F.trailer THEN
      LocateString(F, X - F.X, Y - F.Y, old);
      ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + old.x, F.Y + old.y - dsr, old.dx, 2, Display.invert);
      keysum := {};
        Input.Mouse(keys, X, Y); keysum := keysum + keys;
        Oberon.DrawMouseArrow(X, Y);
        LocateString(F, X - F.X, Y - F.Y, new);
        IF new.pos # old.pos THEN
          ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + old.x, F.Y + old.y - dsr, old.dx, 2, Display.invert);
          ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + new.x, F.Y + new.y - dsr, new.dx, 2, Display.invert);
          old := new
      UNTIL keys = {};
      ReplConst(Display.white, F, F.X + new.x, F.Y + new.y - dsr, new.dx, 2, Display.invert);
      pos := new.pos
    ELSE pos := 0  (*<----*)
  END TrackWord;

  PROCEDURE Replace* (F: Frame; beg, end: LONGINT);
    VAR R: Texts.Reader; L: Line;
      org, len: LONGINT; curY, wid: INTEGER;
    IF end > F.org THEN
      IF beg < F.org THEN beg := F.org END;
      org := F.org; L := F.trailer.next; curY := F.Y + F.H - F.top - asr;
      WHILE (L # F.trailer) & (org + L.len <= beg) DO
        org := org + L.len; L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp
      IF L # F.trailer THEN
        Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
        len := beg - org; wid := Width(R, len);
        ReplConst(F.col, F, F.X + F.left + wid, curY - dsr, L.wid - wid, lsp, 0);
        DisplayLine(F, L, R, F.X + F.left + wid, curY, len);
        org := org + L.len; L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp;
        WHILE (L # F.trailer) & (org <= end) DO
          Display.ReplConst(F.col, F.X + F.left, curY - dsr, F.W - F.left, lsp, Display.replace);
          DisplayLine(F, L, R, F.X + F.left, curY, 0);
          org := org + L.len; L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp
  END Replace;

  PROCEDURE Insert* (F: Frame; beg, end: LONGINT);
    VAR R: Texts.Reader; L, L0, l: Line;
      org, len: LONGINT; curY, botY, Y0, Y1, Y2, dY, wid: INTEGER;
    IF beg < F.org THEN F.org := F.org + (end - beg)
      org := F.org; L := F.trailer.next; curY := F.Y + F.H - F.top - asr;
      WHILE (L # F.trailer) & (org + L.len <= beg) DO (*search line where inserted part starts*)
        org := org + L.len; L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp
      IF L # F.trailer THEN (*if it is displayed in this viewer*)
        botY := F.Y + F.bot + dsr;
        Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
        len := beg - org; wid := Width(R, len);
        ReplConst(F.col, F, F.X + F.left + wid, curY - dsr, L.wid - wid, lsp, 0);
        DisplayLine(F, L, R, F.X + F.left + wid, curY, len);
        org := org + L.len; curY := curY - lsp;
        Y0 := curY; L0 := L.next;
        WHILE (org <= end) & (curY >= botY) DO (*display newly inserted text lines*)
          NewLine(F, l); (*NEW(l);*)
          Display.ReplConst(F.col, F.X + F.left, curY - dsr, F.W - F.left, lsp, Display.replace);
          DisplayLine(F, l, R, F.X + F.left, curY, 0);
          L.next := l; L := l;
          org := org + L.len; curY := curY - lsp
        IF L0 # L.next THEN Y1 := curY; (*if it was not a one line update*)
          L.next := L0; (*skip overwritten text lines*)
          WHILE (L.next # F.trailer) & (curY >= botY) DO
            L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp
          LastLine(F, L); (*L.next := F.trailer;*)
          dY := Y0 - Y1;
          IF Y1 > curY + dY THEN (*use fast block move to adjust reusable lines*)
            Display.CopyBlock(F.X + F.left, curY + dY + lsp - dsr, F.W - F.left, Y1 - curY - dY,
                F.X + F.left, curY + lsp - dsr, 0);
            Y2 := Y1 - dY
          ELSE Y2 := curY
          curY := Y1; L := L0;
          WHILE curY # Y2 DO (*redisplay previously overwritten lines*)
            Display.ReplConst(F.col, F.X + F.left, curY - dsr, F.W - F.left, lsp, Display.replace);
            DisplayLine(F, L, R, F.X + F.left, curY, 0);
            L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp
  END Insert;

  PROCEDURE Delete* (F: Frame; beg, end: LONGINT);
    VAR R: Texts.Reader; L, L0, l: Line;
      org, org0, len: LONGINT; curY, botY, Y0, Y1, wid: INTEGER;
    IF end <= F.org THEN F.org := F.org - (end - beg)
      IF beg < F.org THEN
        F.trailer.next.len := F.trailer.next.len + (F.org - beg);
        F.org := beg
      org := F.org; L := F.trailer.next; curY := F.Y + F.H - F.top - asr;
      WHILE (L # F.trailer) & (org + L.len <= beg) DO
        org := org + L.len; L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp
      IF L # F.trailer THEN (*if the deleted part starts in this viewer*)
        botY := F.Y + F.bot + dsr;
        org0 := org; L0 := L; l := L; Y0 := curY;
        WHILE (L # F.trailer) & (org <= end) DO
          org := org + L.len; l := L; L := L.next; curY := curY - lsp
        Y1 := curY;
        Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, org0); Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
        len := beg - org0; wid := Width(R, len);
        ReplConst(F.col, F, F.X + F.left + wid, Y0 - dsr, L0.wid - wid, lsp, 0);
        DisplayLine(F, L0, R, F.X + F.left + wid, Y0, len);
        Y0 := Y0 - lsp;
        IF L # L0.next THEN (*if it was not a one line update; move lines between L0 and L to line pool*)
          IF l.next = L THEN l.next := F.pool; F.pool := L0.next; L0.next := L END;
          (*L0.next := L;*) L := L0; org := org0 + L0.len;
          WHILE L.next # F.trailer DO
            L := L.next; org := org + L.len; curY := curY - lsp
          Display.CopyBlock(F.X + F.left, curY + lsp - dsr, F.W - F.left, Y1 - curY,
              F.X + F.left, curY + lsp - dsr + (Y0 - Y1), 0);
          curY := curY + (Y0 - Y1);
          Display.ReplConst(F.col, F.X + F.left, F.Y, F.W - F.left, curY + lsp - (F.Y + dsr), Display.replace);
          Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, org); Texts.Read(R, nextCh);
          WHILE ~L.eot & (curY >= botY) DO
            NewLine(F, l); (*NEW(l);*)
            DisplayLine(F, l, R, F.X + F.left, curY, 0);
            L.next := l; L := l; curY := curY - lsp
          L.next := F.trailer
  END Delete;

  PROCEDURE Recall*(VAR B: Texts.Buffer);
  BEGIN B := TBuf; NEW(TBuf); Texts.OpenBuf(TBuf)
  END Recall;

  (*------------------message handling------------------------*)

  PROCEDURE NotifyDisplay* (T: Texts.Text; op: INTEGER; beg, end: LONGINT);
    VAR M: UpdateMsg;
  BEGIN M.id := op; M.text := T; M.beg := beg; M.end := end; Viewers.Broadcast(M)
  END NotifyDisplay;

  PROCEDURE Call* (F: Frame; pos: LONGINT; new: BOOLEAN);
    VAR S: Texts.Scanner; res: INTEGER;
    Texts.OpenScanner(S, F.text, pos); Texts.Scan(S);
    IF (S.class = Texts.Name) & (S.line = 0) THEN
      Oberon.SetPar(F, F.text, pos + S.len); Oberon.Call(S.s, res);
      IF res > 0 THEN
        Texts.WriteString(W, "Call error: "); Texts.WriteString(W, Modules.importing);
        IF res = 1 THEN Texts.WriteString(W, " module not found")
        ELSIF res = 2 THEN  Texts.WriteString(W, " bad version")
        ELSIF res = 3 THEN Texts.WriteString(W, " imports ");
          Texts.WriteString(W, Modules.imported); Texts.WriteString(W, " with bad key");
        ELSIF res = 4 THEN Texts.WriteString(W, " corrupted obj file")
        ELSIF res = 5 THEN Texts.WriteString(W, " command not found")
        ELSIF res = 7 THEN Texts.WriteString(W, " insufficient space")
        Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf)
  END Call;

  PROCEDURE Write* (F: Frame; ch: CHAR; fnt: Fonts.Font; col, voff: INTEGER);
    VAR buf: Texts.Buffer;
  BEGIN (*F.hasCar*)
    IF ch = BS THEN  (*backspace*)
      IF F.carloc.pos > F.org THEN
        Texts.Delete(F.text, F.carloc.pos - 1, F.carloc.pos, DelBuf); SetCaret(F, F.carloc.pos - 1)
    ELSIF ch = 3X THEN (*!c  copy*)
      IF F.hasSel THEN
        NEW(TBuf); Texts.OpenBuf(TBuf); Texts.Save(F.text, F.selbeg.pos, F.selend.pos, TBuf)
    ELSIF ch = 16X THEN (*!v  paste*)
      NEW(buf); Texts.OpenBuf(buf); Texts.Copy(TBuf, buf); Texts.Insert(F.text, F.carloc.pos, buf);
      SetCaret(F, F.carloc.pos + buf.len)
    ELSIF ch = 18X THEN (*!x,  cut*)
      IF F.hasSel THEN
        NEW(TBuf); Texts.OpenBuf(TBuf); Texts.Delete(F.text, F.selbeg.pos, F.selend.pos, TBuf)
    ELSIF (20X <= ch) & (ch <= DEL) OR (ch = CR) OR (ch = TAB) THEN
      KW.fnt := fnt; KW.col := col; KW.voff := voff; Texts.Write(KW, ch);
      Texts.Insert(F.text, F.carloc.pos, KW.buf);
      SetCaret(F, F.carloc.pos + 1)
  END Write;

  PROCEDURE Defocus* (F: Frame);
  BEGIN RemoveCaret(F)
  END Defocus;

  PROCEDURE Neutralize* (F: Frame);
  BEGIN RemoveMarks(F)
  END Neutralize;

  PROCEDURE Modify* (F: Frame; id, dY, Y, H: INTEGER);
    Mark(F, FALSE); RemoveMarks(F);
    IF id = MenuViewers.extend THEN
      IF dY > 0 THEN Display.CopyBlock(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H, F.X, F.Y + dY, 0); F.Y := F.Y + dY END;
      Extend(F, Y)
    ELSIF id = MenuViewers.reduce THEN
      Reduce(F, Y + dY);
      IF dY > 0 THEN Display.CopyBlock(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H, F.X, Y, 0); F.Y := Y END
    IF F.H > 0 THEN Mark(F, TRUE);
      IF F.text.changed THEN SetChangeMark (F, 1) END
  END Modify;

  PROCEDURE Open* (F: Frame; H: Display.Handler; T: Texts.Text; org: LONGINT;
        col, left, right, top, bot, lsp: INTEGER);
    VAR L: Line;
  BEGIN NEW(L); F.pool := NIL;
    L.len := 0; L.wid := 0; L.eot := FALSE; L.next := L;
    F.handle := H; F.text := T; F.org := org; F.trailer := L;
    F.left := left; F.right := right; F.top := top; F.bot := bot;
    F.lsp := lsp; F.col := col; F.hasMark := FALSE; F.hasCar := FALSE; F.hasSel := FALSE
  END Open;

  PROCEDURE Copy* (F: Frame; VAR F1: Frame);
    Open(F1, F.handle, F.text, F.org, F.col, F.left, F.right, F.top, F.bot, F.lsp)
  END Copy;

  PROCEDURE CopyOver(F: Frame; text: Texts.Text; beg, end: LONGINT);
    VAR buf: Texts.Buffer;
    IF F.hasCar THEN
      NEW(buf); Texts.OpenBuf(buf);
      Texts.Save(text, beg, end, buf); Texts.Insert(F.text, F.carloc.pos, buf);
      SetCaret(F, F.carloc.pos + (end - beg))
  END CopyOver;

  PROCEDURE GetSelection* (F: Frame; VAR text: Texts.Text; VAR beg, end, time: LONGINT);
    IF F.hasSel THEN
      IF F.time > time THEN
        text := F.text; beg := F.selbeg.pos; end := F.selend.pos; time := F.time
      ELSIF F.text = text THEN
        IF (F.time < time) & (F.selbeg.pos < beg) THEN beg := F.selbeg.pos
          ELSIF (F.time > time) & (F.selend.pos > end) THEN end := F.selend.pos; time := F.time
  END GetSelection;

  PROCEDURE Update* (F: Frame; VAR M: UpdateMsg);
  BEGIN (*F.text = M.text*)
    RemoveMarks(F); Oberon.RemoveMarks(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H);
    IF M.id = unmark THEN SetChangeMark (F, 0)
      IF M.id = replace THEN Replace(F, M.beg, M.end)
      ELSIF M.id = insert THEN Insert(F, M.beg, M.end)
      ELSIF M.id = delete THEN Delete(F, M.beg, M.end)
      END ;
      SetChangeMark(F, 1)
  END Update;

  PROCEDURE Edit* (F: Frame; X, Y: INTEGER; Keys: SET);
    VAR M: CopyOverMsg;
      text: Texts.Text;
      buf: Texts.Buffer;
      v: Viewers.Viewer;
      loc0, loc1: Location;
      beg, end, time, pos: LONGINT;
      keysum: SET;
      fnt: Fonts.Font;
      col, voff, Y0: INTEGER;
    IF X < F.X + Min(F.left, barW) THEN  (*scroll bar*)
      Oberon.DrawMouse(ScrollMarker, X, Y); keysum := Keys;
      IF Keys = {2} THEN   (*ML, continuous scroll*)   Y0 := F.Y + F.H - 1 - F.markH;
        WHILE Keys # {} DO Oberon.DrawMouse(ScrollMarker, X, Y);
          IF Y < F.Y THEN Y := F.Y ELSIF Y > F.Y + F.H THEN Y := F.Y + F.H END;
          IF Y # Y0 THEN RemoveMarks(F); Oberon.RemoveMarks(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H);
            pos := (F.Y + F.H - Y) * (F.text.len) DIV F.H;
            IF pos < 0 THEN pos := 0 ELSIF pos > F.text.len THEN pos := F.text.len END;
            Show(F, pos);
            Y := Y0
          Input.Mouse(Keys, X, Y)
      ELSIF Keys = {1} THEN   (*MM*)   keysum := Keys;
        REPEAT Input.Mouse(Keys, X, Y); keysum := keysum + Keys;
          Oberon.DrawMouse(ScrollMarker, X, Y)
        UNTIL Keys = {};
        IF ~(keysum = {0, 1, 2}) THEN
          IF 0 IN keysum THEN pos := 0
          ELSIF 2 IN keysum THEN pos := F.text.len - 100
          ELSE pos := (F.Y + F.H - Y) * (F.text.len) DIV F.H
          END ;
          RemoveMarks(F); Oberon.RemoveMarks(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H);
          Show(F, pos)
      ELSIF Keys = {0} THEN (*MR, track line and scroll up or down*)
        TrackLine(F, X, Y, pos, keysum);
        IF ~(keysum = {0, 1, 2}) THEN
          IF (pos >= 0) & (keysum = {0}) THEN (*MR, scroll up*)
            RemoveMarks(F); Oberon.RemoveMarks(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H);
          ELSIF (keysum = {0,1}) THEN (*MR and MM, scroll down*)
            LocateLine(F, Y, loc0); LocateLine(F, F.Y, loc1);
            pos := F.org - loc1.org + loc0.org;
            IF pos < 0 THEN pos := 0 END;
            RemoveMarks(F); Oberon.RemoveMarks(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H);
            Show(F, pos)
    ELSE  (*text area*)
      Oberon.DrawMouseArrow(X, Y);
      IF 0 IN Keys THEN  (*MR: select*)
        TrackSelection(F, X, Y, keysum);
        IF F.hasSel THEN
          IF keysum = {0, 2} THEN (*MR, ML: delete text*)
            Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time);
            Texts.Delete(text, beg, end, TBuf);
            Oberon.PassFocus(Viewers.This(F.X, F.Y)); SetCaret(F, beg)
          ELSIF keysum = {0, 1} THEN  (*MR, MM: copy to caret*)
            Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time);
            M.text := text; M.beg := beg; M.end := end;
            Oberon.FocusViewer.handle(Oberon.FocusViewer, M)
      ELSIF 1 IN Keys THEN  (*MM: call*)
        TrackWord(F, X, Y, pos, keysum);
        IF (pos >= 0) & ~(0 IN keysum) THEN Call(F, pos, 2 IN keysum) END
      ELSIF 2 IN Keys THEN  (*ML: set caret*)
        Oberon.PassFocus(Viewers.This(F.X, F.Y));
        TrackCaret(F, X, Y, keysum);
        IF keysum = {2, 1} THEN (*ML, MM: copy from selection to caret*)
          Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time);
          IF time >= 0 THEN
            NEW(TBuf); Texts.OpenBuf(TBuf);
            Texts.Save(text, beg, end, TBuf); Texts.Insert(F.text, F.carloc.pos, TBuf);
            SetSelection(F, F.carloc.pos, F.carloc.pos + (end  - beg));
            SetCaret(F, F.carloc.pos + (end - beg))
          ELSIF TBuf # NIL THEN
            NEW(buf); Texts.OpenBuf(buf);
            Texts.Copy(TBuf, buf); Texts.Insert(F.text, F.carloc.pos, buf);
            SetCaret(F, F.carloc.pos + buf.len)
        ELSIF keysum = {2, 0} THEN (*ML, MR: copy looks*)
          Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time);
          IF time >= 0 THEN
            Texts.Attributes(F.text, F.carloc.pos, fnt, col, voff);
            IF fnt # NIL THEN Texts.ChangeLooks(text, beg, end, {0,1,2}, fnt, col, voff) END
  END Edit;

  PROCEDURE Handle* (F: Display.Frame; VAR M: Display.FrameMsg);
    VAR F1: Frame; buf: Texts.Buffer;
      IF M.id = Oberon.track THEN Edit(F(Frame), M.X, M.Y, M.keys)
      ELSIF M.id = Oberon.consume THEN
        IF F(Frame).hasCar THEN Write(F(Frame), M.ch, M.fnt, M.col, M.voff) END
      END |
      IF M.id = Oberon.defocus THEN Defocus(F(Frame))
      ELSIF M.id = Oberon.neutralize THEN Neutralize(F(Frame))
      END |
    Oberon.SelectionMsg: GetSelection(F(Frame), M.text, M.beg, M.end, M.time) |
    Oberon.CopyMsg: Copy(F(Frame), F1); M.F := F1 |
    MenuViewers.ModifyMsg: Modify(F(Frame), M.id, M.dY, M.Y, M.H) |
    CopyOverMsg: CopyOver(F(Frame), M.text, M.beg, M.end) |
    UpdateMsg: IF F(Frame).text = M.text THEN Update(F(Frame), M) END
  END Handle;


  PROCEDURE Menu (name, commands: ARRAY OF CHAR): Texts.Text;
    VAR T: Texts.Text;
  BEGIN NEW(T); T.notify := NotifyDisplay;  Texts.Open(T, "");
    Texts.WriteString(W, name); Texts.WriteString(W, " | ");  Texts.WriteString(W, commands);
    Texts.Append(T, W.buf); RETURN T
  END Menu;

  PROCEDURE Text* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Texts.Text;
    VAR T: Texts.Text;
  BEGIN NEW(T); T.notify := NotifyDisplay; Texts.Open(T, name); RETURN T
  END Text;

  PROCEDURE NewMenu* (name, commands: ARRAY OF CHAR): Frame;
    VAR F: Frame; T: Texts.Text;
  BEGIN NEW(F); T := Menu(name, commands);
    Open(F, Handle, T, 0, Display.white, left DIV 4, 0, 0, 0, lsp); RETURN F
  END NewMenu;

  PROCEDURE NewText* (text: Texts.Text; pos: LONGINT): Frame;
    VAR F: Frame;
    Open(F, Handle, text, pos, Display.black, left, right, top, bot, lsp); RETURN F
  END NewText;

  Texts.OpenBuf(TBuf); Texts.OpenBuf(DelBuf);
  lsp := Fonts.Default.height; menuH := lsp + 2; barW := menuH;
  left := barW + lsp DIV 2;
  right := lsp DIV 2;
  top := lsp DIV 2; bot := lsp DIV 2;
  asr := Fonts.Default.maxY;
  dsr := -Fonts.Default.minY;
  selH := lsp; markW := lsp DIV 2;
  eolW := lsp DIV 2;
  ScrollMarker.Fade := FlipSM; ScrollMarker.Draw := FlipSM;
  Texts.OpenWriter(W); Texts.OpenWriter(KW);
END TextFrames.

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