[Oberon] PO2013 - System.CloseTrack / System.ExtendDisplay

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Fri May 3 12:45:42 CEST 2019

   > The drawback of the commands, and of Text User Interface (TUI) in general, is that the commands need be present on every screen.

The commands System.NextDisplay and System.PrevDisplay are placed in the *same* spot in System.Tool in *every* virtual display, i.e. every screen. So if the user doesn’t change the height of the log viewer (which is shared among all displays), one can *rapidly* rotate forward and backwards through all currently open virtual screens with ease. It’s a hack to make it work with a TUI such as Oberon.

A keyboard combination may be worth considering, for example -> (arrow right) and <- (arrow left) or some other key combination (ctrl-n, ctrl-b) like in emacs. I have also played with placing little arrows in the title bar of the *log* viewer (which usually stays at the same spot on the screen, no matter the display one is in) or even adding a permanently present top or bottom level menu bar as in macOS or Cedar.

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