[Oberon] Standalone BootLoader format

Tomas Kral thomas.kral at email.cz
Tue May 12 10:05:49 CEST 2020


Just inspecting standalone Oberon format for 

MODULE* Counter;
  VAR x, y, z: INTEGER;
BEGIN LED(1); z := 0;
  REPEAT LED(z); x := 1000;
     REPEAT y := 1000;
       REPEAT y := y-1 UNTIL y = 0;
       x := x-1
     UNTIL x = 0;
     z := z+1
END Counter.

ORP.Compile @
ORTool.DecObj (* produces this disassembly *)
   0     E7000007       B       7
   1     00000000       MOV  R0  R0  R0
   2     00000000       MOV  R0  R0  R0
   3     00000000       MOV  R0  R0  R0
   4     00000000       MOV  R0  R0  R0
   5     00000000       MOV  R0  R0  R0
   6     00000000       MOV  R0  R0  R0
   7     00000000       MOV  R0  R0  R0
   8     4D000000       MOV SB  R0      0
  36     40000000       MOV  R0  R0      0
  37     C7000000       B  R0
entries: 32

What is the purpose of 7 words (7*4=28 bytes), that is branched over?
Why 32 entries?

Tomas Kral <thomas.kral at email.cz>

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