[Oberon] PO2013 - SD Image Tool

Tomas Kral thomas.kral at email.cz
Thu May 21 12:11:57 CEST 2020

> Obviously we do not have the 
> same system as you; so as Joerg says, it's difficult to help with 
> specifics.


This is what troubles me. With Oberon0 commands producing some longer
output, ORC times out before reading pending data.

0   123| Mirror    123~    mirror

12| timeout                directory times out

     0   123| Directory    mirror receives pending output 
 Blink.Mod   325
 Checkers.Mod  1532
 Curves.rsc  7199
 Display.rsc  6768
 Draw.Tool   318
 Draw.rsc  3090
 Edit.rsc  4711
 Fonts.rsc  2693
 GraphicFrames.rsc 12601
 Graphics.rsc 15317
 Hilbert.Mod  2607
 Input.rsc  1091
 MenuViewers.rsc  6449
 Net.Tool   178
 Net.rsc  7280
 ORB.Mod 16889
 ORB.rsc 10226
 ORBuild.Text   436
 ORG.Mod 39544
 ORG.rsc 27645
 ORP.Mod 41964
 ORP.rsc 27309
 ORS.Mod 10950
 ORS.rsc  7625
 Oberon.rsc  7583
 PCLink1.rsc  1738
 Rectangles.rsc  2902
 SCC.rsc  2656
 Sierpinski.Mod  3296
 Splines.rsc  8920
 Stars.Mod  3702
 System.Tool   825
 System.rsc 10055
 TextFrames.rsc 23398
 Texts.rsc 12078
 Viewers.rsc  5700~

     0   123| Mirror  31488~       Oberon0 loop lost sync

At this stage, cannot execute any further commands.

Tomas Kral <thomas.kral at email.cz>

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