[Oberon] Wanted: Oberon Syntax in TextMate, Sublime Text or Atom Grammar

Paul Reed paulreed at paddedcell.com
Tue Aug 11 16:38:04 CEST 2020

On 2018-08-02 21:22, Colby Russell wrote:
> https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=colbyrussell.vscode-oberon-support
> ...uploaded it a while back after noticing that there weren't any 
> others available

With many thanks to Colby and vladfolts, and other valiant illuminators 
of the concepts involved, below is a JSON version of their Oberon-07 
textmate/vs grammar, updated to fix a couple of things including nested 
comments. In case it's useful. Works for me; YMMV.

{"scopeName": "source.oberon", "fileTypes": ["Mod"],
   "patterns": [
       "name": "keyword.delimiter.oberon"},
     {"match": "\\b(IS|DIV|MOD|OR|IN)\\b",
       "name": "keyword.operator.oberon"},
     {"match": "\\b(POINTER|RECORD|ARRAY|MAP|OF)\\b",
       "name": "storage.type.oberon"},
     {"match": "\\b(FALSE|NIL|TRUE)\\b",
       "name": "constant.language.oberon"},
       "name": "support.function.oberon"},
       "name": "support.type.oberon"},
       "name": "constant.numeric.oberon"},
     {"begin": "\"", "end": "\"",
       "name": "string.quoted.double.oberon"},
     {"match": "\\b([0-9][0-9A-F]*X)\\b",
       "name": "string.quoted.other.oberon"},
     {"include": "#comment"} ],
   "repository": {"comment":
     {"begin": "\\(\\*", "end": "\\*\\)",
     "patterns": [{"include":"#comment"}],
     "name": "comment.block.oberon",
   "name": "Oberon", "uuid": "2AA78D88-FD4B-11E6-937E-CFB8A4F7030F"}

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