[Oberon] Oberon Text and new systems for science

Skulski, Wojciech skulski at pas.rochester.edu
Fri Jun 11 05:59:31 CEST 2021

>I'm left wondering: your V4 software will still run today on Windows
10 running Linz V4 will it not? If not, why not? If it does run OK,
what are you hoping to gain by repeating the exercise on the FPGA?

This is an excellent question. B2 runs on XP and on Windows 10.I am sure I could launch it on Linux if I had Linux around. Perhaps I will try installing Linux on my Windows 10 laptop just for trying it. 

So why do I want to run it at 20x slower clock, plus a substantial porting effort? The technical reason is that it will be different architecture. Currently we have a triple - processor chain. (1) The FPGA firmware is processing the samples. (2) The on-board ARM is reading the data from the FPGA registers and BRAMs. It is forming buffers and sending them out over Ethernet to the next processor (3), which can be either Linux or Windows. 

It is a pretty complex architecture, even though it looks conceptually simple. There are lots of intermediate layers which become painfully present when we have to deal with them.

I want to simplify the chain by using two units, the ADC firmware and RISC5. It will let me simplify the interfaces. The intermediate "hidden layers" will be gone.

Thank you for the question!


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