[Oberon] WorkLog under BlackBox

Aubrey McIntosh aubrey.mcintosh at utexas.edu
Wed Dec 8 18:45:26 CET 2021

I have created the repository at git at github.com:a-mcintosh/WorkLog.git

This contains 2 BBCB modules.  *History* is a factory module that supports
timestamped events.  It may be extended, for example, to save a timestamped
series of variable values during program execution, particularly during

I am running the Denisov release under Ubuntu.  More specific details in
the opening reading matter in the git.

*WorkLog* extends the structures for *History.Entry* to contain an
additional timestamp, and a 64 character nickname for the current task that
you are working on.  This is a minimalistic application.  It would be
greatly enhanced by an interface into SQL, for example.

I request several things:

   - Advise me of the current standard process to submit BBCB subsystems.
   - Have a look at the code, in particular the *Services.Action.Do
   <http://Services.Action.Do>* extension in WorkLog, with a view of having
   the Panel update after *LogIt* has executed.
   - Suggest ways to actually use the Internalize/Externalize procedures.
   I assume that the suggested path is to embed a WorkLog view (currently
   undefined) into a Text or other View and let the Framework handle the
   details when the View is saved from a window.  Are there other ideas?
   - In general, especially those of you who have taught CS, feel free to
   be aggressive with critique of the code.  That is how I learn.  No aspects
   are out-of-bounds.
   - I suppose that somewhere, someone has written a similar thing.  This
   is a "keep-my-skills-up" project and I don't care if it is already done,
   but I'd like to read any such code.
   - If any Obx addresses relevant concerns, please alert me.  I read
   through them from time to time.


Aubrey McIntosh, PhD
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