[SCION] Connection failure w/ sciond on local topology.

Michael A. Flückiger fmichael at student.ethz.ch
Mon Mar 23 16:11:22 CET 2020

Hi all

I'm trying to get the simple example found here 
(/_examples/helloworld/) running. But I'm somehow not able to bind to 
the corresponding instance of the /sciond/.

I'm running /ubuntu 16.04/, /go version go1.13.9 /and was able to setup 
the SCION local network:

If I check for the listening sockets of the sciond i find the following:

If I now set the S/CION_DEAMON_SOCKET/ environment variable as required 
when running multiple local ASes and try to run /helloworld.go///I run 
in the following error:

I am at my wit's end and would appreciate any help / hint into the right 
direction very much.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your effort.



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