[Barrelfish-users] Hello All - Help required for multicore projects - undergraduate students

chickerursr at msrit.edu chickerursr at msrit.edu
Mon Jan 31 17:58:09 CET 2011

Hello All,

I the under signed have been teaching course on parallel programming and
multicore architecture and programming in association with Intel in India
at graduate and undergraduate level since three years.

As a part of the project work this semester i want the students to do
projects on Barrelfish. It will be really great to work on some issues
related to barrelfish this semester and continue it.

I  request the team to give some projects/ issues which can be done as a
part of the projects.

Thanks & regards ,
S .Chickerur,
Department Of Information Science and Engineering
M.S.Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Vidya Soudha , MSRIT Post,
Bangalore - 560 054
Phone : 91 - 80 - 23600822, 23606934, 23606936 Extn : 151
Fax : 91 - 80 - 23606936   Website : (0)www.msrit.edu

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