[Barrelfish-users] FYI, a Fix for /tools/scc/watchall.sh

Shi Jinghao (史经浩) jhshi at cs.hku.hk
Fri May 4 09:12:58 CEST 2012


I found that there are two problems in the script.

 - trap "pkill -P $$" SIGINT can not kill previous cat process properly, so
each time I'll get a "device
busy" error

- "cat /dev/crbif0rb0c${i}ttyS0 | grep . --line-buffered &"  in the for
loop can not display the
outputs properly: only empty lines are printed.

The following patch can solve these problem. Don't know if the script works
fine in your case, just share
my experience.


diff -r 4a4b7bef6fcb tools/scc/watchall.sh
--- a/tools/scc/watchall.sh Fri Sep 02 10:50:53 2011 +0200
+++ b/tools/scc/watchall.sh Fri May 04 15:00:25 2012 +0800
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 # Shows output of all Barrelfish SCC cores simultaneously, as it arrives.

-trap "pkill -P $$" SIGINT
+killall -v cat

 for i in `seq 0 47`; do
 # XXX: We use grep here to enforce line-buffered output, so concurrent
 # input from UARTs isn't garbled.
-    cat /dev/crbif0rb0c${i}ttyS0 | grep . --line-buffered &
+    cat /dev/crbif0rb0c${i}ttyS0 | grep ^ --line-buffered &

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