[Barrelfish-users] Message Content Corrupted on SCC

Shi Jinghao (史经浩) jhshi at cs.hku.hk
Wed May 9 13:58:25 CEST 2012


When I'm trying to send a relatively large byte array (~800B) between core
0 and 1, I found that starting from the 3rd message, the message content is

Here is the flounder spec I use:

interface test {
    typedef uint8 payload[800];

    message msg(payload p);

And here is the code snippet that I send and receive the message:

// sender side (core 0)
test_payload_t payload;
// fill payload with some magic numbers
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(payload); i++) {
    ((unsigned char*)payload)[i] = 0xaa;
test_msg__tx(b, NOP_CONT, payload);

// receiver side, check the message
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(payload); i++) {
    assert(((unsigned char*)payload)[i] == 0xaa);

So I was wondering whether there are any size limits of direct byte array
transfer. I don't know if I should switch to bulk_transfer since about 80%
of my message are of small size (< 100B), but other 20% message are about
4K size. Any suggestions about what kind of IDC I should choose in

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