[Barrelfish-users] problem about run barrelfish in qemu arm

Simon Gerber simon.gerber at inf.ethz.ch
Fri Feb 1 09:50:24 CET 2013


I'm running the ARMv5 port of barrelfish on qemu as follows:

(assume that we have the source and build directory for barrelfish in
one directory & we're in the build directory)

../barrelfish/hake/hake.sh -s ../barrelfish/ -a armv5
make sim

version info:
OS: Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS
gcc:  arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2012.03-57) 4.6.3
qemu: 1.0.50 (Debian 1.0.50-2012.03-0ubuntu2.1)
Barrelfish: release 2013-01-11

Given that configuration make sim succeeds with the following output:

cp ../barrelfish//hake/menu.lst.armv5 armv5/menu.lst
../barrelfish//tools/arm-mkbootcpio.sh armv5/menu.lst armv5/romfs.cpio
51266 blocks
qemu-system-arm -kernel armv5/sbin/cpu.bin -nographic -no-reboot -m
256 -initrd armv5/romfs.cpio
Barrelfish CPU driver starting on ARMv5 Board id 0x00000113
The address of paging_map_kernel_section is 0xfff15d8c
XXX: Debug print to make Bram's code work
Kernel ready.
init: invoked as: init 2097152
Spawning memory server (armv5/sbin/mem_serv)...
Spawning monitor (armv5/sbin/monitor)...
monitor: invoked as: armv5/sbin/monitor 7712768
RAM allocator initialised, 136 MB (of 200 MB) available
Spawning ramfsd on core 0
ramfsd.0: pre-populating from boot image...
ramfsd.0: ready
Spawning skb on core 0
Spawning ./armv5/sbin/spawnd on core 0
Spawning ./armv5/sbin/startd on core 0
spawnd.0: coreid 0 is arch id 0
all 1 monitors up
No bootscript


-- Simon

On 31 January 2013 11:48, Wangjintang <wangjintang at huawei.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I meet a problem when I run barrelfish in qemu arm. this is detail information:
> OS: debian 6.06 x86_64
> gcc: eldk-5.3 arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc 4.7.2
> qemu: 0.14.0
> Barrelfish: 2013-01-11 release
> # qemu-system-arm  -kernel arm/sbin/cpu.bin -nographic -no-reboot -m 256 -initrd romfs.cpio
> Barrelfish CPU driver starting on ARMv5 Board id 0x00000113
> The address of paging_map_kernel_section is 0xfff159f8
> kernel Kernel fault at fff27214 vector 00000004
> kernel Processor save_area at: 0xfff11624
> kernel r0       00200000
> kernel r1       00000000
> kernel r2       00020000
> kernel r3       0000001c
> kernel r4       a0000000
> kernel r5       0000a000
> kernel r6       00000000
> kernel r7       00000000
> kernel r8       00200000
> kernel r9       00000000
> kernel Kernel fault at fff27214 vector 00000004
>   There are all error info print to screen. Whether my qemu version to new ?
> thanks a lot !
> Regards,
> jintang
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