[Barrelfish-users] New release segfault during boot with Simics. Qemu works fine.

Mateusz Olczak mateusz at olczak.se
Sat Mar 2 03:38:21 CET 2013


I'm having trouble with segfault below at boot under Simics.
Same image file works fine under Qemu.

Pagealigned MMAP
	0x00000000 - 0x0009f000 Type: 1 Length: 0x9f000
	0x0009f000 - 0x000a0000 Type: 2 Length: 0x1000
	0x000f0000 - 0x00100000 Type: 2 Length: 0x10000
	0x00100000 - 0xdfffd000 Type: 1 Length: 0xdfefd000
	0xdfffd000 - 0xe0000000 Type: 2 Length: 0x3000
	0xfffc0000 - 0x100000000 Type: 2 Length: 0x40000
	0x100000000 - 0x1fff00000 Type: 1 Length: 0xfff00000
kernel 0: create_caps_to_cnode: Cannot create more caps in CNode
kernel 0 PANIC! kernel assertion "err_is_ok(err)" failed at ../src/kernel/arch/x86_64/startup_arch.c:412
kernel 0: exception 3 (error code 0x0): vec_bp: breakpoint
Faulting instruction pointer (or next instruction): 0xffffff80082861fd
  => i.e. unrelocated kernel address 0x10f1fd
 rax: 0xffffff80082a4000  r8 : 0xffffff80000b8fa0
 rbx: 0x00000001fff00000  r9 : 0x0000000000000000
 rcx: 0x0000000000000020  r10: 0x0000000000000000
 rdx: 0xffffff80083392e0  r11: 0xffffffffffffffff
 rsp: 0xffffff8008b3fe08  r12: 0xffffff800829e600
 rdi: 0x00000000000003f8  r13: 0xffffff80090ae0a8
 rsi: 0x000000000000000a  r14: 0x00000000090ae000
 rip: 0xffffff80082861fd  r15: 0x0000000100000000
Top o' stack:
 0 	 0xffffff8008289dbb (18446743524090617275)
 1 	 0x000000003ff00000 (1072693248)
 2 	 0xffffff8000000020 (18446743523953737760)
 3 	 0xffffff8008b3fe70 (18446743524099751536)
 4 	 0xffffff8008b3fe30 (18446743524099751472)
 5 	 0xffffff80082b3094 (18446743524090785940)
 6 	 0xffffff800829cc82 (18446743524090694786)
 7 	 0xffffff800829a930 (18446743524090685744)
 8 	 0x000000000000019c (412)
 9 	 0xffffff80000b8fa0 (18446743523954495392)
kernel 0: Waiting for GDB connection...

Please see attached file for whole boot log.

// Mateusz 

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