[Barrelfish-users] Terminal init issue

Kornilios Kourtis kornilios.kourtis at inf.ethz.ch
Tue Jun 10 13:36:54 CEST 2014

Hi Vinay,

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 03:36:26PM +0530, Vinay Kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> On the Terminal issue during booting barrelfish, I did further investigation on
> the terminal module code and find that an error is being thrown from function
> debug_cap_identify(cap_sessionid, &cap);
> from terminal.c file,
> This function is where it checks for the domain to be part of the terminal
> module and it is returning error due to which the domain is not being set as
> part of the terminal.
> This function is defined in debug.c file. I like to understand what does all
> the functions in debug.c is used for because it is used by all the modules
> during booting barrelfish.
> Requesting to help to find why this function is returning error and also to
> find an alternate method on how to make the domain part of the terminal. We are
> testing this on an x86_64 architecture. The domain is failing to set for all
> the modules being spawned during kernel boot process and finally when the fish
> prompt tries to read from the terminal it gives the assertion "Domain is not
> part of the Terminal" and the boot process is aborted.
> Also I like to know how to boot only one instance of barrelfish kernel on a
> single core in the hardware (this would help for detailed debugging to resolve
> this issue). Any information on this issue is useful.

There seems to be some problem with the session ID for fish, but I'm not
sure why. Would you mind posting the whole boot log and your menu.lst?
There might be some hints there.

It might also be helpful if you can track where the error actually occurs
(e.g., by using printfs). Note that debug_cap_identify() will perform an
RPC to the monitor: have a look at cap_identify() in

The Barrelfish terminal subsystem was developed by Raphael Fuchs as a BSc
thesis, so it might be helpful to have a look at his thesis
http://www.barrelfish.org/fuchsr-bachelor-sessioncontrol.pdf in your
attempt to debug this.


> Please let me know if more info is needed,
> Thanks & Regards
> Vinay
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Vinay Kumar <ms.vinay.k at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     We have been trying to boot barrelfish on our hardware with config, 32 gb
>     ram and 2  quad core AMD Opteron processors,
>     We are able to boot barrelfish on the real hardware and after getting the
>     fish prompt an assertion is triggered "Domain is not part of the terminal"
>     and the boot is aborted.
>     I did some investigation and found that the domain value is set to false in
>     terminal_init function in terminal.c file and it fails in terminal_read
>     function  giving the above assertion.
>     Can anyone please let me know how to make the domain a part of the terminal
>     module?
>     Please let me know if more info is needed
>     Thanks
>     Vinay

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Kornilios Kourtis

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