[Barrelfish-users] Idris runtime port to Barrelfish

Joe M joe9mail at gmail.com
Sun Oct 5 00:21:32 CEST 2014


I got a simple "Hello World" program in Idris to work on barrelfish.

The details are in these commits: https://github.com/joe9/barrelfish/commits/master

To get the build to work, I had to replace some functions with stubs (using select,
popen and _gettimeofday_r syscalls) to avoid the below error.

builds fail with the below errors
gcc -g -O2 ./x86_64/lib/crt0.o ./x86_64/lib/crtbegin.o -fno-builtin -nostdlib -Wl,-z,max-page-size=0x1000 -Wl,--build-id=none -m64 -o ./x86_64/sbin/idris_hello ./x86_64/usr/idris_hello/_for_app_idris_hello/idris_hello.o ./x86_64/usr/idris_hello/idris_rts/idris_main.o ./x86_64/lib/libmm.a ./x86_64/lib/libgetopt.a ./x86_64/lib/libtrace.a ./x86_64/lib/libelf.a ./x86_64/lib/libidris_rts.a ./x86_64/lib/libbarrelfish.a ./x86_64/lib/libterm_client.a ./x86_64/lib/liboctopus_parser.a ./x86_64/errors/errno.o ./x86_64/lib/libnewlib.a ./x86_64/lib/crtend.o ./x86_64/lib/libcollections.a
./x86_64/lib/libidris_rts.a(idris_stdfgn.o): In function `fpoll':
undefined reference to `select'
./x86_64/lib/libidris_rts.a(idris_stdfgn.o): In function `do_popen':
undefined reference to `popen'
./x86_64/lib/libnewlib.a(time.o): In function `time':
undefined reference to `_gettimeofday_r'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [x86_64/sbin/idris_hello] Error 1

Just wanted to check if anyone has any suggestions on how to fix the

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