[Barrelfish-users] Examples' execution and number of cores

Tasoulas Zois zoistas at hotmail.com
Tue May 31 23:50:32 CEST 2016

         Dear all,

     I am a new user of barrelfish, I am trying for a start to execute 
the examples provided, specifically xmpl-hello, on qemu.
     I have followed the instructions on the "Programming for 
Barrelfish" wiki page and also saw the mailing-list thread "Programming 
for barrelfish", April 2016. I have manually built xmpl-hello but when 
the menu.lst file contains the "module /x86_64/sbin/example/xmpl-hello" 
line, booting stops with the message /Failed to open file 
'x86_64/sbin/examples/xmpl-hello'. /If I remove that line from that 
file, barrelfish boots but with "oncore 0 
x86_64/sbin/examples/xmpl-hello" the system doesn't find the file 
either. What can I do to succeed in running the example?

     Another question I want to ask is, up to how many cores can 
barrelfish support on qemu? I tried to boot 3 up to 6 cores by changing 
the barrelfish/tools/qemu-wrapper.sh. Even if barrelfish boots, messages 
come up, like "Kernel2: e1000n: IRQ message buffer overflow on IRQ". 
Should I change other parameters too on that file to achieve better 

     My system is running Ubuntu 15.10 with GCC 5.2.1 and GHC 7.8.4.

         Kind regards,

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