[Barrelfish-users] Running Barrelfish on AMD Veemer and Intel Processor 8565U

Jules Irenge jbi.octave at gmail.com
Sat Jul 31 12:27:56 CEST 2021


After running barrelfish
I get two errors

File /init.fish not found

and when i run the demo command  it throws the below error

File /init.fish not found
available commands:
help           print_cspace   quit           nproc          ps
demo           pixels         mnfs           oncore         reset
poweroff       skb            mount          ls             cd
pwd            touch          cat            hd             cat2
dd             cp             rm             mkdir          rmdir
setenv         src            printenv       free           dump_caps
> demo
Starting pixels...
ERROR: spawnd.0 in spawn_with_caps_common() ../usr/spawnd/service.c:331
ERROR: spawn
Failure: (          spawn) Failure while loading [SPAWN_ERR_LOAD]
Failure: (             fs) The given name does not exist [FS_ERR_NOTFOUND]
ERROR: fish.0 in spawn_program_on_all_cores()
ERROR: error spawning pixels on core 0

Failure: (          spawn) Failure while loading [SPAWN_ERR_LOAD]
Failure: (             fs) The given name does not exist [FS_ERR_NOTFOUND]
ERROR: fish.0 in spawnpixels() ../usr/fish/fish_common.c:393
ERROR: error spawning other core
Failure: (          spawn) Failure while loading [SPAWN_ERR_LOAD]
Failure: (             fs) The given name does not exist [FS_ERR_NOTFOUND]

Any advice pon how to fix this problem will be much appreciated .
Thank you
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