<div>Hi,</div><div> </div><div>I am trying to run barrelfish on SCC but I need clarity regarding a few things.</div><div>I have compiled barrelfish successfully and I have the <a href="http://barrelfish48.mt">barrelfish48.mt</a> file and the obj file created.</div>
<div>I need to know the following :</div><div> </div><div>1. After booting barrelfish on one SCC core (core 0) how should I boot it on other cores.</div><div> Do I have to reset all the cores (just like core 0) that I want barrelfish to be booted ?. From the document : <a href="http://www.barrelfish.org/TN-005-SCC.pdf">http://www.barrelfish.org/TN-005-SCC.pdf</a></div>
<div> Section 2.5 it seems that core 0 should boot other cores.</div><div> </div><div>2. How do I confirm that barrelfish has actually booted on all the cores that I want it to be booted ?</div><div> </div><div>3. I intend to run a simple hello world program on barrelfish running on SCC. What changes need to be made to the steps </div>
<div>mentioned in the doc <a href="http://wiki.barrelfish.org/Programming_for_Barrelfish">http://wiki.barrelfish.org/Programming_for_Barrelfish</a>. </div><div> </div><div>4. Is there any other document that provides details on running programs on barrelfish ?</div>
<div> </div><div>Please help!</div><div> </div><div>Thanks</div><div>Vaibhav Jain</div><div> </div><div> </div><div> </div><div> </div><div> </div>