[Equal] EU: Women and Science
Katharina von Salis
vonsalis at pop.mydiax.ch
Sat Jul 27 00:10:46 CEST 2002
liebe equals,
es hat sich was getan in der EU und in Zukunft sollten die "gender
dimensions" ueberall in neuen Projekten des FP6 beachtet und ueber
die ganze Dauer eines Projektes verfolgt werden.
Und: "specific Women and Science activities will be funded within the
Science and Society budget which is EUR80M". Details siehe unten.
Also nichts wie los und planen...!
Have a nice summer
Katharina von Salis
>MESSAGE N°9 July 2002
>This is a message frm the Women and Science Unit in the Commmission's DG for
>Recent Developments:
>FP6 adopted: The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
>adopted the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) on 27th June. This programme
>will span the period 2002-2006. The gender dimension is much more integrated
>than it was in FP5. It will be taken into account throughout the different
>Programmes and at the various stages of the lifecycle of the projects. In
>addition, specific Women and Science activities will be funded within the
>Science and Society budget which is EUR80M. A copy of the formal adoption
>can be downloaded from:
>National Policies on Women and Science in Europe: The Helsinki Group on
>Women and Science produced a report entitled National Policies on Women and
>Science in Europe, mapping the policies developed in 30 countries and
>including, for the first time, national statistical profiles. The report
>was launched in Madrid, in June 2002, during the first Spanish seminar on
>Women and Science, co-organised by the Spanish Presidency of the European
>Union and the Commission. http://www.cordis.lu/improving/women/policies.htm
>Satellite national reports for most of the 30 countries are also available
>at: <http://www.cordis.lu/improving/women/reports.htm>.
>Statistics and Indicators - new web pages introduced:
>> The Women and Science Unit, in collaboration with the Statistical
>Correspondents of the Helsinki Group and Eurostat, have been collecting
>data on women scientists for nearly 2 years. Some new pages have now been
>added to the Women and Science web site containing consolidated statistical
>information from the cross-national perspective for all available years
>since 1990. In addition to viewing summary tables and figures, you can
>download the raw data for your own analyses. We think it would be helpful to
>assemble a collection of statistically-based studies and add them to these
>pages later on this year. You are welcome to send LINKS for any such studies
>to: marge.fauvelle at cec.eu.int
>Qualitative Analysis on the Profile of women and men who have participated
>in FP5: The Evaluation Partnership has been contracted by DG RTD to
>undertake this study. The purpose of the study is to compare the profile,
>experience, benefits and problems encountered by women and men researchers
>during FP5. The results of this study will be presented at the Heysel
>Conference in November (see below).
>On-going and Prospects:
>European Research 2002 - Heysel Conference: The European Commission will
>hold a major conference on 11th, 12th and 13th November, to mark the launch
>of FP6. "Gender Equality in FP6" will be addressed in a joint workshop with
>the German EU-Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. A
>second workshop, on "Women, innovation and research", will be organised by
>Beta Technology Ltd (UK). Women and Science will be present at the Heysel
>exhibition and project presentation. More details can be found at:
><http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/conferences/2002/index_en.html>Women in
>Industrial Research (WIR): The High Level STRATA-ETAN Expert Group,
>established to study the situation of women in the private sector will
>present a report on its findings on 4th December. An international
>conference will be organised, in Berlin, in spring 2003, to present the
>report and discuss the results and recommendations, with researchers,
>managers, politicians and other stakeholders. We are seeking 'Firm level'
>data from firms with R&D departments. If you feel you can help, please
>complete the questionnaire on our web site. Deadline 31st August.
>Women scientists in post-communist countries: A new STRATA/ETAN Expert Group
>will shortly be launched to study and report on the situation of women
>scientists in the Eastern and Central European countries and the Baltic
>states. The recommendations of this Expert Group are expected by the end of
>Gender and Research Conference, Brussels, November 2001 Conclusions and
>Proceedings: The Conclusions of the conference are available on our web
>site. The Proceedings will be available at the end of September. They will
>be sent automatically to those who attended the conference but will also be
>available to download from our web site.
>EMBO Restart Fellowship: The EMBO Council has endorsed a fellowship
>programme to support the return of scientists, female and male, who have
>taken a career break for child care. Eligibility criteria and more
>information can be found on their web site:
><http://www.embo.org/projects/women/restart_fellow.html>. Deadline 15th
>The Women and Science Unit,
>European Commission, Research DG,
>B-1049 Brussels
>Fax: +32 2 299 37 46
>Please help us keep our database accurate by sending us any changes to your
>contact details (e-mail, fax, telephone, address). If you wish to be removed
>from our mailing list, please inform <gisele.rodeyns at cec.eu.int>
Dr. Katharina von Salis
Glärnischstr. 11
CH-8805 Richterswil
Tel. 0041 1 784 74 08
Fax 0041 1 687 15 05
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