[Equal] Stellen transdisciplinary gender studies
Katharina von Salis
vonsalis at pop.mydiax.ch
Mon Oct 28 18:50:39 CET 2002
liebe equals,
hier mal einige spannende Stellen - bitte weiterleiten, bittet Dr.
<margarete.maurer at univie.ac.at>
Have a nice week
Bitte leiten Sie diese Nachricht an interessierte Personen weiter
und entschuldigen Sie bitte eventuelle cross postings. Danke!
Liebe KollegInnen,
fuer die Mitarbeit im Forschungsprojekt "innovations and
transformations - perspectives of transdisciplinary gender studies" (
abstract siehe unten)
zwei Praktikantinnen und zwei wissl. Mitarbeiterinnen (Werkvertrag):
- eine Biologin/Genetikerin/Medizinerin (bevorzugt: spezielle
Kenntnisse in einem oder mehreren der folgenden Gebiete, fachbezogen
und in der gesellschaftlichen Debatte: genetische Untersuchungen,
hormonelle Behandlungen, Fruchtbarkeitsregulation)
- eine Informatikerin (bevorzugt: Softwareentwicklung,
userorientierte Methoden, Kenntnis der Phasen des systems design,
systems analysis, Programmiersprachen)
Ausserdem auch an diesen Feldern interessierte Nicht-Fachfrauen fuer
Moderation, Uebersetzungen und Administration, evtl. auch eine EDV- &
- sehr gute Englischkenntnisse aktiv und passiv
- Faehigkeit, ueber die eigenen fachlichen Themen mit Fachleuten aus
anderen Gebieten und mit Nicht-WissenschaftlerInnen erfolgreich zu
kommunizieren und anderen zuzuhoeren
- gute Kenntnis der feministischen/gender studies oder
Technikbewertung in ihrem Fachgebiet (gilt nur fuer wissl. Mitarb.
und Praktikantinnen)
- hohe Teamfaehigkeit, social skills, Konflikttoleranz
- moeglichst flexible zeitliche Verfuegbarkeit entsprechend
Anforderungen im Projektverlauf (Gesamtarbeitszeit s.u.)
Bei Bewerbungen um die wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit und um einen
Praktikumsplatz koennen von Vorteil sein:
- Zweit-Qualifikation in anderem Fach oder Erfahrung in
inter-/transdisziplinaerer Taetigkeit.
- Kompetenzen / Erfahrungen in/mit Technikbewertung,
Wissenschaftskritik, partizipatorischen / user- bzw.
KlientInnenorientierten Methoden
- Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit nicht-wissenschaftlichen
sozialen Gruppen,
- Berufserfahrungen in wissenschaftlichen und/oder in Entwicklungsprojekten
- Internet-Kompetenz (Recherchen, E-mailing, up-load auf Webseite)
Arbeitssprache: bei zwei internationalen Workshops Englisch, bei zwei
ad-hoc-Workshops deutsch; Werkvertrag mit Gesamtarbeitszeit
entsprechend 8 Monaten durchschnittlich á 15 bis 30 Std. wchtl.
Persoenliche Anwesenheit in Wien streckenweise, ueber mehrere Bloecke
und bei den workshops unbedingt erforderlich, Hauptwohnsitz Wien
nicht erforderlich. Das Projekt ist befristet und befindet sich in
der Anlaufphase. Arbeitsbeginn daher umgehend.
Bewerbungen an / weitere Infos bei:
Mag. Dr. M. Maurer
Wissenschaftliche Leitung
Project "Innovations & Transformations"
RLI, Rosa-Luxemburg-Institut, <http://rli.at>
Julius-Tandler-Pl. 5/24, A-1090 Wien
Tel. / Fax (13-14 h): +43/1/31 74 929
E-mail: margarete.maurer at univie.ac.at
Ref: Program: Perspectives of Transdisciplinary Gender Research
(funded by the Austrian Ministery of Education & Science, Vienna, Austria)
B.1. General description of the project proposed - abstract
B.1.1 Title of the project:
Gender Research as innovative ressource for a sustainable and
socially fair and just development of information and
Short title: "Innovations und Transformations"
B.1.2 Fields of thematic subjects
The main topic of this project is to find out the position and to
evaluate contemporary Gender Research in the context of the
scientifically and technically determined transformations within the
information and knowledge society in Austria (keyword: new
technologies). Methodologically there will be used the method of
comparative investigations of selected European regions and
countries, whereby highly qualified experts and partners will be
included for cooperation. The acceptability and the status of
programs in Gender Research will also be analyzed with respect to its
multidimensional connections to the existence and progress of gender
equality policies in the particular countries or regions.
Crucial points:
*Investigation and discussion of the new technologies connected to
the biological revolution within the fields of genetics and
microbiology including reproductive medical technologies and their
implications for health and a high quality of life.
*Investigation of the social transformations resulting from the
implementation and diffusion of the new technologies of communication
and information (NTCI).
*Based on the first two topics the innovative capacity of the Gender
Research for the future development of knowledge and the use of the
new technologies will be investigated.
B.1.3 Content and aims - Inhalt und Ziele
The aim of this project is to provide the Austrian Ministry of
science and research with fundamental facts and justified reasonable
perspectives for future science & research policies in the Special
Research Program "Gender Studies". The focus is on the discussion of
innovations and transformations which are knowledge- and
technology-based, especially on the new technologies. Grounded on
this aim the following questions are to be raised (not yet answered),
with the intention to identify interesting future research
questions and needs from a feminist perspective:
What theoretical approaches, concepts, and methods are highly
promising from the perspective of Gender Studies in order to get an
reliable analysis of the new kinds of transformations in society?
Will it be possible to transfer the experiences with participatory
methods of software development into other areas , e.g. into the area
of medical technologies, or not? Or how - by which changes and
Will it be possible to adapt, and to use methodologies of technology
assessment in feminist assessments and gender research regarding
technological and scientific innovations?
What is the connection between the up to now - at least in German
speaking countries - two mutually exclusive fields of sociology of
technology/technology assessment and Gender Studies, and could these
two still opposite fields of research in the German speaking
countries be correlated in particular ways, perhaps even combined in
a productive manner?
Further questions are:
- Which approaches and aims of Gender Research reveal concrete
options of improvement in the sense of gender equality policies with
a long term or sustainable perspectives within the future development
of science, technology, and society?
How can the relevant social problems and research questions of future
societietal developments in Europe be identified? (Here, sustainable
or long term perspectives include ecological, social, and economical
- In the case that Gender Research is regarded as innovative not
just only for the analysis of the scientific-technically development
of societies but also for the future development and structure of
societies, how can this innovative capacity be supported?
- What is the level of Austrian research with respect to the
international level of Gender Research in these areas, and how can
Austrian programs in Gender Research become manifest and improved, in
such a way that it does enter a long-term improvement - seen from a
feminist perspective - of societies ?
- In the sense mentioned above there will be developed research
perspectives for future European societies, and especially for the
future society in Austria, at a very high level. These perspectives
could serve as guideline for future public research programs in
Gender Research and Gender Studies.
B.1.4 Prospective value of the outcome
The prospective value of the outcome of this project is to provide
Austrian politics of science and research with the chance to get
straight ahead - nationally and internationally - with a highly
qualified research in Gender Research to top level science and
research in that field.
Wissenschaftliche Leitung, Mag. Dr. M. Maurer
RLI, Project "Innovations & Transformations"
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