[Equal] Women and Science unit: message No 13 december 2003
Christa Sonderegger
christa.sonderegger at unibas.ch
Tue Dec 16 19:03:09 CET 2003
Liebe equals
ich leite euch die neuste Newsletter der Women and Science unit der
EU-Kommission in Brüssel weiter.
Herzlich Christa Sonderegger
MESSAGE N°13 December 2003
Recent Developments:
She Figures 2003 : a collection of the latest statistics and indicators on
Women and Science has been published in October. It notched up an
astonishing 6.500 hits on the DG RTD web site in the 6 weeks following
WIR Conference: a note with conclusions and recommendations is available
Future perspectives:
Calls for tender published on the 24 of December 2003.
Two calls will be published in the JO on the 24 of December 2003:
- one call to monitor gender mainstreaming of FP6 activity areas:
LOT 1: Priority 1 Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health,
Priority 5 Food quality and safety and Sub-Priority 6.3 Global change
and ecosystems.
LOT 2: Priority 3 Nano-technologies and nano-sciences, knowledge-based
multifunctional materials, and new production processes and devices,
Priority 4 Aeronautics and space, Sub-Priority 6.1 Sustainable Energy
Systems, Sub-Priority 6.2 Sustainable Surface Transport, EURATOM
LOT 3: Priority 7 Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society,
Support for the coherent development of policies and Science and Society.
LOT 4: Research to explore new and emerging scientific and technological
problems and opportunities (so-called NEST), Horizontal research
activities involving SMEs, Co-ordination of research
activities, Support for the coherent development of policies,
Research and Innovation and Research Infrastructures.
LOT 5: Human Resources and Mobility (so-called Marie-Curie Actions) and
Specific measures in support of international cooperation (so-called INCO).
- one call to support the co-ordination of the studies mentioned above.
Enwise Press Conference on January 23, 2004-Brussels
The Enwise Expert Group will deliver its Final Report to Commissioner
Busquin on January 23, 2004. The report will be presented publicly and
discussed in a conference that will take place in Tallinn on September
9-10, 2004.
For further information : e-mail to marianna.major at cec.eu.int
The Women and Science Unit,
European Commission, Research DG,
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: +32 2 299 37 46
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contact details (e-mail, fax, telephone, address). If you wish to be
removed from our mailing list, please inform valerie.gobbe at cec.eu.int
lic. iur. Christa Sonderegger, Universität Basel
Rechtsdienst des Rektorats
Leiterin Ressort Chancengleichheit
Petersgraben 35, Postfach, CH - 4003 Basel
Fon +4161 / 267 12 46
Fax +4161 / 267 30 03
E-mail christa.sonderegger at unibas.ch
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