[Equal] UNESCO position on women and gender
Katharina von Salis
vonsalis at pop.mydiax.ch
Mon Feb 10 18:24:05 CET 2003
liebe equals,
voila ein schoenes Job-Angebot (via eq-uni-Liste)
die natuerlich Freude haette, wenn jemand von equal den Job bekommt
und uns das dann auch mitteilt - feedbacked, eben.
For your attention: an important UNESCO position that might interest many
eq-uni members out there (we are 300 from all continents and over 30
countries)is currently vacant. The post is "chief of section" in the UNESCO
women and gender programme, and the closing date for applications is April
24, 2003. For the announcement, go to http://recrutweb.unesco.org > social
and human sciences sector > chief of section. The post is not subject to
geographical distribution.
with best regards,
Liisa Husu * eq-uni list moderator * liisa.husu at helsinki.fi
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